This served as a tank for the compressed air, which a trigger-operated valve could release into the metal chamber.
In a groove where the butt was heaviest, a cartridge clip held some twenty electric bullets that, by means of a spring, automatically took their places in the barrel of the rifle.
枪托里面装了一盒子弹, 盒中有二十粒电气弹,利用弹簧子弹可以自动跳人枪膛中。
As soon as one shot had been fired, another was ready to go off.
Captain Nemo, I said, this is an ideal, easy-to-use weapon. I ask only to put it to the test. But how will we reach the bottom of the sea?
Right now, professor, the Nautilus is aground in ten meters of water, and we've only to depart.
But how will we set out?
You'll see.
Captain Nemo inserted his cranium into its spherical headgear. Conseil and I did the same, but not without hearing the Canadian toss us a sarcastic happy hunting.
On top, the suit ended in a collar of threaded copper onto which the metal helmet was screwed.
Three holes, protected by heavy glass, allowed us to see in any direction with simply a turn of the head inside the sphere.
Placed on our backs, the Rouquayrol device went into operation as soon as it was in position, and for my part, I could breathe with ease.