A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, the earth and the moon line up in a straight line in space, with the earth snuck in the middle. The sun shines light on the earth which casts a shadow, and as the moon moves deeper into that shadow, it appears to turn a dark, reddish color.
月食指当月球运行至地球的阴影部分时,在月球和地球之间的地区会因为太阳光被地球所遮闭,就看到月球缺了一块。此时的太阳、地球、月球恰好 (或几乎) 在同一条直线上。地球处于太阳和月球之间。
Why red? Because the atmosphere is filtering out the blue light. Some people have nicknamed this effect, the blood moon.
NASA says that lunar eclipse has typically happened at least twice a year, but not all of them are total. There are actually three different times.
A penumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through the outskirts of the earth`s shadow. NASA says this is so subtle, you might not even notice.
A partial eclipse is when the moon dips into part of earth`s shadow, but not all of it. So, only a portion of the moon turns dark.
A total eclipse is the best, that`s when the entire moon is in earth`s shadow, turning into that deep red color. And rarely a total lunar eclipse coincides with the supermoon, which is when the moon is in the closest part of its orbit to earth and looks bigger and brighter. This only happened five times in the entire 20th century.
Remember, you don`t need a telescope or any special equipment to view a lunar eclipse. But having vernaculars or telescope might make it more fun.
Either way, just go outside, find the moon and enjoy.
A lunar eclipse happens when the sun, the earth and the moon line up in a straight line in space, with the earth snuck in the middle. The sun shines light on the earth which casts a shadow, and as the moon moves deeper into that shadow, it appears to turn a dark, reddish color.
Why red? Because the atmosphere is filtering out the blue light. Some people have nicknamed this effect, the blood moon.
NASA says that lunar eclipse has typically happened at least twice a year, but not all of them are total. There are actually three different times.
A penumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through the outskirts of the earth`s shadow. NASA says this is so subtle, you might not even notice.
A partial eclipse is when the moon dips into part of earth`s shadow, but not all of it. So, only a portion of the moon turns dark.
A total eclipse is the best, that`s when the entire moon is in earth`s shadow, turning into that deep red color. And rarely a total lunar eclipse coincides with the supermoon, which is when the moon is in the closest part of its orbit to earth and looks bigger and brighter. This only happened five times in the entire 20th century.
Remember, you don`t need a telescope or any special equipment to view a lunar eclipse. But having vernaculars or telescope might make it more fun.
Either way, just go outside, find the moon and enjoy.