In the whole of astronomical history before Evans started looking in 1980, fewer than sixtysupernovae had been found. (At the time I visited him, in August of 2001, he had just recordedhis thirty-fourth visual discovery; a thirty-fifth followed three months later and a thirty-sixth inearly 2003.)
Evans, however, had certain advantages. Most observers, like most people generally, are in thenorthern hemisphere, so he had a lot of sky largely to himself, especially at first. He also hadspeed and his uncanny memory. Large telescopes are cumbersome things, and much of theiroperational time is consumed with being maneuvered into position. Evans could swing his littlesixteen-inch telescope around like a tail gunner in a dogfight, spending no more than a coupleof seconds on any particular point in the sky. In consequence, he could observe perhapsfour hundred galaxies in an evening while a large professional telescope would be lucky to dofifty or sixty.