No, the malady of which I speak is known as "senioritis." Senioritis is an affliction that cantreat college and high school seniors the way a fly swatter treats flies. Everything is buzzingalong fine and dandy, and then, bam! The symptoms of senioritis are well known. They includean all but irresistible urge to cut classes and ignore due dates for homework andpresentations.
Students in the throes of senioritis often feel a profound sense of lethargy. Right out of theblue, seniors about to graduate suddenly become candidates for the Nobel Prize in Absenteeism.Stricken with senioritis, some young scholars are unable to lift a single finger or take a singlestep forward. A severe case of senioritis may actually sink an ordinarily cheerful andenergetic senior into a bottomless pit of listlessness and languor. "Seniors," runs my advicethese days, "treasure these last laps between now and June. Keep pumping those knees. Thefinish line is near. Don't stop yet. Don't be an absentee."
患有毕业倦怠症的学生总是有强烈的倦怠感。突然之间,临毕业的学生摇身一变成为角逐诺贝尔旷课奖的候选人。患上毕业倦怠症之后,一些年轻学子根本动都不想动,连向前迈进一步都不肯。 举个较为严重的例子,毕业倦怠症可能会使平时活泼开朗、精力十足的学生沦为一个极端萎靡的人。我的建议是,高年级的同学应该珍惜毕业前夕的这段日子,保持积极性。在毕业临近的时候,不要止步,不要旷课。