Yale: Great question. It's true that for a long time scientists thought that the appendix didn'treally serve a purpose. But a few years ago a study showed that the appendix in fact plays animportant role. It's a sort of hangout for useful bacteria needed to help us digest food. After abad case of diarrhea, when most of the bacteria in our guts is washed out, the appendix sendsa fresh batch in to take over.
Don: Right. And not only that, but a more recent study has found that the appendix has along and storied history. It's been around in animals including kangaroos, rodents and apes forat least eighty million years. In other words, it's fairly common in nature.
Yale: Now, it's true that in developed countries with modern sanitation, the human appendixhas less to do than it once did. In those places, where diarrhea isn't a major problem, theappendix isn't called upon all the time to do its thing. That's why when people in the UnitedStates and other developed countries have their appendix removed, they don't seem to missit.
Don: But in places where drinking water and sanitation aren't as safe, the appendix plays alarger role in keeping people healthy.