The dangers of flying through volcanic ash weredemonstrated in 1982 when a British Airways flightfrom Malaysia to Australia lost power in all fourengines after flying into a cloud of dust spewed outby an eruption of Mount Galunggung in Indonesia.
飞过火山灰的危险之旅出现在1982年从马来西亚飞往澳大利亚的一架英国航空公司航班在飞入一片印度尼西亚加隆贡火山喷发出的火山灰云层后所有四个引擎失去动力。After 15 minutes of gliding in acontrolled descent from 37,000 feet to 12,000 feet, the pilot, Captain John Moody, managedto restart the engines once enough of the molten ash in the engines solidified and broke off.
The plane went on to land safely in Perth.
Speaking to the BBC last week, Captain Moody demonstrated the typically phlegmatic attitudeof his profession.
"It was, yeah, a little bit frightening," he said.