Yael,We're always hearing that the ozone layer isbeing depleted, and how bad this is because we needit to protect us from the sun's harmful ultravioletrays.
But I've been thinking, and there has to be a moreeffective way to restore the ozone layer than justby sitting around not releasing any more harmfulchemicals into the air so the ozone has a chance torepair itself.
但是,我一直在考虑,比起不再释放任何有害化学物质到空气中静观其变而言,我们可以采取有效措施修复破坏的臭氧层。Ok, like what? Well, how hard could itbe to make more ozone ?
we must have a plenty of material.
After all the ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms-and the oxygen molecules webreathe contain two oxygen atoms, so can't we just use that oxygen to produce a bunch ofozone ourselves and stick it back up in the atmosphere?