Even if the sky is deep blue when you look straightup, near the horizon it is lighter.
This is partly due to pollution, but even in thecleanest air the sky is lighter near the horizon due tothe effect of earth's atmosphere on sunlight.
When the rays of sunlight enter the atmosphere,the atmosphere tends to deflect the light fromits straight-line path from the sun to the earth, and spread it around the sky, a process that iscalled scattering.
If all the colors were spread equally the sky would look white, since all of the colors of lightcombined make white light.
But the atmosphere does not spread all colors equally in all parts of the sky, and that is whythe sky is not a uniform color.
The color that is most readily spread is blue.
So when we look up on a clear day we see blue sky,since the sunlight has had to pass throughthe least atmosphere, and fewer of the other colors of light have been spread.
However, closer to the horizon the sunlight must pass through more of the atmosphere before itreaches our eyes.
This gives the rays of other colors of light a chance to be spread so that the light reaching oureyes is more a mixture of all the colors and therefore appears lighter.