Evidence indicates that prior use of some drugsimpairs the brain's ability to forge new connectionsbetween neurons in response to new experiences.
Scientists took a bunch of rats and gave some ofthem either amphetamine or cocaine for twentydays, while giving the others a saline solution fortwenty days.
When the twenty days were up, half of the rats were moved from ordinary laboratory cages tofancy new cages equipped with all kinds of bridges, ramps, tunnels, and other toys.
20天过后,他们将一半的老鼠从普通的实验笼子转移到配备有桥梁,坡道,有隧道以及其他玩具的“超豪华”的新笼子里。After three and half months thescientists examined all of the rats brains.
They discovered that the saline solution rats that were moved to the new cages had a greaternumber of neuronal connections than all the other rats, including the drugged rats in the newcages.
These findings may aid in explaining some of the behavioral and cognitiveimpairments viewedin people who are addicted to drugs.