If you lived under a rock, your body's natural cycleswould be slightly longer than 24 hours.
However, exposure to factors like daylight,temperature, and other people fine-tunes yourbody's cycles to your local time zone.
然而,受到像阳光,温度,和人群这些因素的影响,你的身体循环会与本地时区同步。When you travel, this tuning is thrownout of whack, and it takes your body time to readjust.
This adjustment is easier if you're heading west because this lengthens your day in thenatural direction of your internal clock.
However, if you're heading east, you're compressing your day, and working against yourinternal clock, which makes adjustment more difficult.
While none of this bodes well if you're a die-hard Dodgers fan, it may be worth rememberingthe next time you participate in the office pool.