Scientists have found that certain small mammals-including some species of shrew, vole, bat,gopher,mouse and squirrel-have larger brains when theylive near or around people in bothurban and rural areas.
For example, one study found that the brains of urban-dwelling white-footed mice andmeadowvoles are about six percent larger than their rural cousins.
Meanwhile, as habitats have become developed, rural dwelling shrews and bats have alsoevolvedlarger brains over the past century.
Scientists speculate that the larger brains of some city living animals are due to thosecrittershaving to adapt to and survive in places populated by lots of people.
科学家们猜测, 一些生活在城市的动物大脑变大,是因为他们不得不在人气旺的地方适应并生存下来。
After all, it stands to reasonthat raising baby mice and voles in busy urban and suburbanplaces requires as much brain poweras possible.
As for the rural animals whose brains have grown, it could be that human development inruralareas has forced animals such as bats and shrews to forage farther afield, and thatpatrolling largerhunting grounds requires more brain power.
An important underlying point of this research is that even an organ as complex as the brainiscapable of significant evolution over relatively short periods of time.