第三节 财政学的一课
Smith was the manager of a construction companyand was taking bids on a new project. The firstbidder was a Polish company, and theirrepresentative offered to do the job for $ 400,000. "That seems reasonable," said Smith. "Can you giveme a breakdown on that?"
"Sure," said the Pole, " $200, 000 for labor and $ 200,000 for materials. "
Next to make a bid was the Standard American Construction Company, which bid $ 800,000.
"Hmm, that seems a bit high," said Smith. "What's the breakdown?"
" $ 400,000 0n materials, $ 400,000 0n labor. "
"I'll get back to you. "
Finally the representative of Cohen, Goldstein and Leibowitz entered Smith's office. " $ 1,200,000 is our bid," said the agent."
$11 200, 0001 That' s way out of line," exclaimed Smith. "Can you give me a breakdown onthat?"
"No problem," replied the rep. " $400, 000 for me,$ 400 , 000 for you and $ 400,000 for thePolacks.
1.construction company 建筑公司
例句:The engineering and construction companyrecently cut its guidance for 2010.
2. take bids on 招标
例句:I will also take bids on cpa traffic.
3.make a bid 竞标
例句:Information about items for sale is posted on an auction site and anyone can make a bidwithin the stipulated time.
4.get back to 回到
例句:They just want to get back to work.