Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC News.
A spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen says the year old campaign was nearing the end of its major combat phase. The Saudi's statement follows criticism of a deadly coalition air stike on market in Yemen on Tuesday. Laura Baker reports from Washington. The White House spokesman Josh Earner said the US welcome the Saudi statement and decating an anti-major operations and that too many innocent survilliances have been caught up in the crossfire, he said President Obama urge all parties return to UN facilitited peace talks, the President has long made the case that a political solution should be phoned, and the issue is likely to feature prominately during it isn't in Saudi Arabia in April.
North Korea has fired a ballastic missile into the sea of its eastern coast, days after the country's leader Kim Jeong-eun ordered more nuclear war head and missile tests. The latest launch has been confirmed by both South Korea and the United States. Military tensions have been rising on the Korean Pennisula since the North carried out its forth nuclear test in January.
The lower House of congress in Chilli have proved a proposal to leave the ban on abortion in case of rape, when there is health risks for the mother or when the fetus is no longer considered viable. Leonardo Rosha has more.Chilli is one of the seven Latin American countries where there is still a total ban on abortion, but despite in a predominantly Roman Catholic nation, Chilli allowed abortion for that case untill 1989. The practice was banned by General Augusto Pinochet in one of his last acts in power, the count proposal was stable by the left wing government of Michel Barshely, and are proved with support with some members of the conservative Christian Democratic. Opinion polls say most Chillians support the change and this is a good chance to bill will be proved by the Senate in the coming month.
European Union leaders in Brussels have agreed a commom position to present to Turkey in return for Turkish help in easing the refugee crisis, under the propose plan, migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey will be send back and exchange for financial aid and visa free access to Europe for Turk.Demian Grimatics reports from Brussels,This plan European leaders hope will be the turing point in refugee crisis, five hours of talk and just after midnight in Brussels with all the EU's 28 countries agreeing a unified position, the orrginal proposal put forward by Germany included returing all refugees and migrants who land on the Great Islands to Turkey, to meet concerns that clould be illegal that lead to discuss providing a suring sysytem that person claiming assylum will be giving a full hearing in Greece. The most difficult negotiations may come when the plan is put to Turkey's Priminister over breakfast in Brussels.
In the US presidential race, Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the Democratic primary in the sate of Missouri two days after the contest was held. She won narrowly by just over 1500 votes. The Republican contest in Missouri is still too close to call between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
The Cuban government decide it will abolish the ten-percent tax on exchanging dollars into Cuban convertible peso. The announcement could have a significant impact on Cuban families who receive regular payments from the United States. Will Grant reports from Havana. The measure was considered one of the key obstacles on the Cuban side to normalizing currency flows between businesses and families. And Havana's decision to scrap it shows a new willingness to work with Washington on issues of mutual interest. It also comes after the Obama administration ease the number of Cold War era travel and trade restrictions earlier this week, specifically to allow Cuba to again use the US dollar in the international banking system. All of this of course comes against the background of president Obama's historic visit to the communist-run island on Sunday. Though tentative and cautious, these steps are being welcomed by both sides.
The opposition in Niger says it would not recognize the result of the presidential run-off election due to be held on Sunday and had asked its supporters to boycott the vote. The announcement comes two days after the opposition's presidential candidate Hama Amadou was taken to Paris for medical treatment, apparently for a longterm illness.
A woman on the beach on the Spanish island of Formentera has stumbled across three packages containing more than 80 kilograms of cocaine. The drugs are reported to have an estimated straight value of 4.5 million dollars. Local media say the packages were attached to a waterproof GPS system which smugglers intended to use to retreat the drugs. BBC news.
Hello, I am Sue Montgomery with the BBC News.
A spokesman for the Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen says the year old campaign was nearing the end of its major combat phase. The Saudi's statement follows criticism of a deadly coalition air stike on market in Yemen on Tuesday. Laura Baker reports from Washington. The White House spokesman Josh Earner said the US welcome the Saudi statement and decating an anti-major operations and that too many innocent survilliances have been caught up in the crossfire, he said President Obama urge all parties return to UN facilitited peace talks, the President has long made the case that a political solution should be phoned, and the issue is likely to feature prominately during it isn't in Saudi Arabia in April.
North Korea has fired a ballastic missile into the sea of its eastern coast, days after the country's leader Kim Jeong-eun ordered more nuclear war head and missile tests. The latest launch has been confirmed by both South Korea and the United States. Military tensions have been rising on the Korean Pennisula since the North carried out its forth nuclear test in January.
The lower House of congress in Chilli have proved a proposal to leave the ban on abortion in case of rape, when there is health risks for the mother or when the fetus is no longer considered viable. Leonardo Rosha has more.Chilli is one of the seven Latin American countries where there is still a total ban on abortion, but despite in a predominantly Roman Catholic nation, Chilli allowed abortion for that case untill 1989. The practice was banned by General Augusto Pinochet in one of his last acts in power, the count proposal was stable by the left wing government of Michel Barshely, and are proved with support with some members of the conservative Christian Democratic. Opinion polls say most Chillians support the change and this is a good chance to bill will be proved by the Senate in the coming month.
European Union leaders in Brussels have agreed a commom position to present to Turkey in return for Turkish help in easing the refugee crisis, under the propose plan, migrants arriving in Greece from Turkey will be send back and exchange for financial aid and visa free access to Europe for Turk.Demian Grimatics reports from Brussels,This plan European leaders hope will be the turing point in refugee crisis, five hours of talk and just after midnight in Brussels with all the EU's 28 countries agreeing a unified position, the orrginal proposal put forward by Germany included returing all refugees and migrants who land on the Great Islands to Turkey, to meet concerns that clould be illegal that lead to discuss providing a suring sysytem that person claiming assylum will be giving a full hearing in Greece. The most difficult negotiations may come when the plan is put to Turkey's Priminister over breakfast in Brussels.
World News from the BBC.
In the US presidential race Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the Democratic primary in the state of Missouri two days after the contest was held. She winned narrowly by just 1500 votes. The Republican contest in Missouri is still to close to call between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.
The Cuban government said will abollished the 10 percent tax on echanging dollars into the Cuban convertable Pesso. The announcement could have a significant impact on Cuban families who receive regular payments from the United States. Will Grown reports from Harwana, The measure was considered one of the key obstacles on the Cuban side to nomalize in currency flows between businesses and families and Harwana's decision to scrape shows a new willingness to work with Washington on mutual interest. Loose comes after the Obama administration ease a number of cold war irretravelent trade restrictions earlier this week, specifically to allow Cuba to again use teh US dollar in teh international banking system. All of this of course comes against the background of President Obama's historically visit the Communist ran Island on Sunday. Though tend to be caucious, the steps are being welcomed by both side.
The opposition in says will not recognize the result of the presidential run off action due to be held on Sunday and disasted supporters to boycot the vote. The announcement comes two days after the opposition's presidential candidate Hamar Amado was taken to Paris for medical treatment apparently for long term illness.
A woman on the beach on the Spanish island of Formen Terro has stumbled to cross three packages containing more than 80 kilograms of cocaine the drug there report to estimated straight value of 4500000 dollars. local media say the packages were attached to a waterproof GPS system, which smugglers intend to use to retrieve the drugs.
BBC News.