But the side ladder was not the only strange feature of the place, borrowed from the chaplain'sformer sea-farings. Between the marble cenotaphs on either hand of the pulpit, the wall whichformed its back was adorned with a large painting representing a gallant ship beating againsta terrible storm off a lee coast of black rocks and snowy breakers. But high above the flyingscud and dark-rolling clouds, there floated a little isle of sunlight, from which beamed forth anangel's face; and this bright face shed a distant spot of radiance upon the ship's tossed deck,something like that silver plate now inserted into the Victory's plank where Nelson fell. "Ah,noble ship," the angel seemed to say, "beat on, beat on, thou noble ship, and bear a hardyhelm; for lo! the sun is breaking through; the clouds are rolling off-serenest azure is at hand."