John Milton
One of the greatest poets of the English language, John Milton, is best-known for his epic poem Paradise Lost. Mihon’s powerful prose and poetry had an immense influence especially on the 18th-century verse. Besides poems, Milton published pamphlets defending civil and religious rights,
John Milton was born into a rich family In London. Milton’s first teachers were his father, from whom he inherited love for art and music, and the writer Thomas Young, a graduate of St Andrews University.
Milton traveled in France and Italy in the late 1630s, meeting in Paris the jurist and theologian Hugo Grotius and the astronomer Galileo Gaiilei in Florence. Milton returned to London in 1639, and set up a school with his nephews. He had planned to write an epic based on the Arthurian legends, but then gave up his literary pursuits, partly due to the Civil War, which divided the country as Oliver Cromwell fought against the king, Charles I.
England was in a great state of flux during his lifetime. Milton sided with the Puritans and Oliver Cromwell, rejected popular political and religious beliefs, adopted an anti-royalist stance against King Charles I,and joined the pamphlet wars, writing many pamphlets on the Church of England. Milton also wrote pamphlets on various political issues like free speech and the censorship exerted by Parliament as in Areopagitica.
Milton was appointed Cromweirs Latin secretary of foreign affairs and wrote many articles in defense of the republicanism. Milton’s poor eyesight, which was born with, was increasingly worsened over time and the intensive work led to his blindness.
After the Restoration of Charles II in 1660, Milton was arrested as a noted defender of the republicanism, but was soon released, Milton escaped from more punishment, but he became a poor man because he was forced to pay a massive fine. The manuscript of Paradise Lost he sold for 5 pounds to Samuel Simmons, and was promised another 5 pounds if the first edition of 1,300 copies sold out.
作为知名的共和制拥护者,弥尔顿在査理二世1660年复辟后被捕,但很快就被释放。虽然弥尔顿逃脱了更多的惩罚,但他却因被迫付一大笔罚金而变得穷困潦倒。弥尔顿以5英镑的价格把《失乐园》的手 稿卖给了塞缪尔西蒙斯。西蒙斯承诺,如果第一版的 1300本书售完,他还可以再拿到5英镑。
Milton created a powerful and sympathetic portrait of Satan in Paradise Lost. His character bears similarities with Shakespeare’s hero-villains Iago and Macbeth. Milton’s view ’ influenced deeply such Romantic poets as William Blake and Percy Bysshe Shelley, who regarded Satan as the real hero-a rebel against the tyranny of Heaven.
弥尔顿在《失乐园》中创造了一个强有力而又令人同情的撒旦形象。他创造的角色和莎士比亚创造的亦正亦邪的埃古和麦克白有相似之处。浪漫主义诗人如威廉布莱克和珀西比希雪莱深受弥尔顿的影响。 他们把撒旦视作真正的英雄——一个与天国暴政抗争的反抗者。