走进剑桥大学 第13期:花花公子拜伦
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    Byron, the Play Boy


    More than any other poet Lord Byron has been identified with his own heroes - with Childe Harold, the romantic traveler; with Manfred, the outcast from society; with Don Juan, the cynical lover. Although Byron did use his own life as the material for much of his poetry, it is by no means purely autobiographical. It is,however, in his long poems that Byron’s genius most truly resides rather than in the lyrics which usually represent him in selections.
    Byron was born into an aristocratic family of doubtful reputation. His father died of drink and debauchery when Byron was 3, and when he was 10 his great-uncle — the ‘wicked’ Lord Byron also died. So Byron inherited the title.
    He was born with a malformed foot—a disability which tortured him with self-consciousness in his youth. He went to Harrow and to Trinity College, Cambridge, where, amongst other eccentricities,he kept a bear. While an undergraduate be published his first book of poem Hours of Idleness. The criticism it got stung Byron not to despair but to revenge, and he replied with a satire in the manner of Pope called English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. After Cambridge, Byron went on the grand tour of Europe, traditional for men of his education. For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination.
    On 20 February 1812,the first two cantos of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage were published. They took the town by storm. Byron became famous overnight. And in the next 4 years he wrote a series of romantic poems; the best among them being The Corsair and The Bride of Abydos. It is said that 14,000 copies of The Corsair were sold in a day.
    Byron had always been susceptible to women and attractive to them. Now that he was successful they threw themselves at his head. For 3 years he lived in the limelight, and then, quite unaccountably, married Ann Milbanke, a frigid and correct woman, entirely unsuited to him, but with a lot of money. She bore him a daughter and left him within a year.
    拜伦喜好女色,而女子也钟情于他。由于他己飞黄腾达,女人们更愿意投怀送抱,3年里他出够了风头,然后,莫名其妙地和安妮米尔班克结了婚。她是一个冷漠的、严肃的妇女,对拜伦来说根本不合适,只是家境殷实罢了。她为拜伦生下了一个女儿, 不到一年就离开了他。
    In 1823 he left Italy for Greece, but the next year, worn out with the ardours of the campaign, he caught rheumatic fever and died at Missolonghi, mourned as a national hero by the Greeks.
    1823年,拜伦离开意大利前往希腊,但是第二年,由于热心独立运动而劳累过度, 染上了风湿病,最终在梅索朗吉昂辞世,成为希腊人所缅怀的一位民族英雄。


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