听电影学英语:战争之王 12
教程:听电影学英语:战争之王  浏览:706  
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    [00:02.31]你必须买下它 Well now you’re gonna have to buy it

    [00:04.38]它已经被你用过了 It’s a used gun.

    [00:07.51]我怎么能卖掉用过的枪 How can I sell a used gun?

    [00:11.88]一把用过的枪 A used gun.

    [00:14.41]一把用过的枪 A used gun.

    [00:17.55]有趣 That’s a good one.

    [00:21.71]你知道吗?现在的年轻人没有纪律 You know there is no discipline with the youth today.

    [00:25.58]我只是想树立一个榜样 虽然这不容易 I try to set an example but it is difficult, eh?

    [00:30.21]我想这都是MTV的错 Personally, I blame MTV.

    [00:36.58]一把用过的枪 A used gun.

    [00:42.28]我想我们可以做生意了 I think you and I, we can do business.

    [00:48.31]如果说我害怕安德烈一世 If I thought I was scared of Andre Senior,

    [00:50.78]不如说我更害怕安德烈二世 I knew I was scared of Andre Junior.

    [00:53.58]有其父必有其子 Like father, like son.

    [00:55.65]就像果实从来不会掉到离树很远的地方 The guava doesn’t fall too far from the tree.

    [00:58.78]他简直是一个食人怪 He was also a cannibal.

    [01:00.55]他们说安德烈会吃掉 They say Andre would eat a victim’s heart

    [01:02.28]他的敌人还在跳动的心脏 while it was still beating

    [01:03.91]这样他可以得到超越常人的力量 to give him superhuman strength.

    [01:13.18]到蒙罗维亚就像到了另一个星球一样 Monrovia itself was like being on another planet.

    [01:16.85]蒙罗维亚星球 Planet Monrovia.

    [01:18.75]从气温来说 From the temperature,

    [01:19.55]它是最接近太阳的星球 it was obviously a planet close to the sun.

    [01:23.31]我从没见过另一个白人 I rarely saw another white man,

    [01:25.11]我从来不独自离开这个村庄 and I never left town alone.

    [01:27.01]这个村庄之外就是地狱的边缘 Outside town was the edge of hell.

    [01:29.38]我连看都不想看 I didn’t want to even gaze into it.

    [01:31.55]这就是你住的旅馆 2星级的 This is your hotel. Two stars.

    [01:37.65]你能带给我蓝博之枪吗? Can you bring me the gun of Rambo?

    [01:39.75]第1,2,还是第3集的? Part one, two, or three?

    [01:41.85]我只看过第一集 I’ve only seen part one.

    [01:43.21]M60 The M-60.

    [01:44.48]你想要带穿甲弹的吗? Would you like the armor-piercing bullets?

    [01:46.51]太好了 Please.

    [01:49.08]我父亲留了一个见面礼在你房间里 My father left a welcoming present in your room.

    [01:52.68]慢慢享受吧 Enjoy.

    [02:08.61]我的天啊,她差点就被砍头了 My God, she nearly got her head cut off.

    [02:13.88]当我到美国时 When I get to America,

    [02:15.51]我不会住在那里 I will not live in Brentwood.

    [02:19.18]2楼 Second floor.

    [02:25.48]在全球艾滋病最流行的地方 In the most AIDS-infested region of the globe...

    [02:28.21]4人中就有1人感染 where one in four is infected...

    [02:30.41]安德烈和我开玩笑的方式 Andre’s idea of a joke was to put

    [02:32.24]就是把两个漂亮的女人放到我床上 a young lman and a young Naomi in my bed.

    [02:35.14]而且在方圆100英里内找不到避孕套 And no condom within 100 miles.

    [02:52.21]你好,尤里先生 Hello, Mr. Yuri.

    [02:55.18]好 Hi.

    [02:56.61]我们很高兴可以使你感觉高兴 We’d be happy to make you happy.

    [03:00.38]我不能,我想要做 Uh, I can’t. I’d love to.

    [03:05.48]但是我不能 But I can’t.

    [03:07.04]不要担心 Don’t worry.

    [03:08.68]我们没有病 We don’t have anything.

    [03:15.34]你怎么知道? How do you know?

    [03:19.21]我们看起来像有病吗? Do we look like it?

    [03:21.28]如果我有艾滋病呢? What if I have AIDS?

    [03:23.14]你不担心吗? Don’t you worry?

    [03:25.54]你担心的太多了 You worry too much.

    [03:28.61]为什么你现在担心一个 Why do you worry about something that

    [03:30.08]10年后才会杀死你的病 can kill you in ten years

    [03:32.61]今天就有很多机会你会死 when there are so many things that can kill you today?

    [03:39.01]现在 Now...

    [03:42.04]我们如何才能使你高兴 ...how can we make you happy?

    [03:47.11]离开这里 By leaving.

    [03:53.51]这些武装到牙齿的儿童 These are my Kalashnikov Kids.

    [03:56.85]我的童子军 My Boy Brigades.

    [04:00.25]我知道你在想什么 I can see what you are thinking,

    [04:02.38]但是我们需要所有我们可以用的上的男性 but we need every man we can get.

    [04:04.75]即使他们还没有长大? Even if they’re not men?

    [04:06.85]从14岁孩子的枪里射出的子弹 A bullet from a fourteen-year-old...

    [04:08.71]就像从40岁男人的枪里射出的子弹一样致命 ...is just as effective as one from a forty-year-old.

    [04:12.65]也许更致命 Often more effective.

    [04:17.78]没有人可以阻止这场血浴之战 No one can stop this bath of blood.

    [04:20.35]不是血浴之战 It’s not "bath of blood."

    [04:21.41]是浴血之战 It’s "bloodbath."

    [04:24.15]谢谢 Thank you.

    [04:26.18]但是我喜欢这么说 But I prefer it my way.

    [04:40.65]我不会给你出的价钱 I am not going to pay your asking price.

    [04:43.21]我们并不富有 We are not a rich people. And besides,

    [04:45.35]而且市场上已经充斥着你的枪 the market is already flooded with your Kalashnikovs.

    [04:48.75]你知道在这个国家的某些地方 Do you realize in some parts of my country

    [04:50.61]你可以用一只鸡换一只枪 you can get one for the price of a chicken?

    [04:52.71]你不能只看单价 But you can’t just consider unit price.

    [04:54.51]还有其他辅助费用 You forget ancillary costs.

    [04:56.08]伪造文件 End-user certificates need to be forged and notarized,

    [04:58.45]建立空壳公司 Shell companies set up,

    [04:59.61]买保险,还有请临时工 insurance purchased, pilots and crews hired.

      上一篇:听电影学英语:战争之王 11 下一篇:听电影学英语:战争之王 13


