Hello, I'm Justine Greene with the BBC News.
Justine Greene为你播报BBC新闻。
US media reports say two police officers have been shot at a protest rally against police violence in Dallas, Texas. Several shots were fired. Demonstrations have been held in several cities against the shooting dead of two black men by white police officers in recent days. The organiser of the Black Lives Matter rally, Reverend Jeff Hood, told the Dallas Morning News what he saw as shots were fired.
美国媒体报道称在德克萨斯州,达拉斯举行的针对警察暴力的抗议活动中,两名警察被枪杀。在多个城市都举行游行示威活动,原本是抗议之前两天发生的两起警察枪击黑人事件。黑人生活重要集会的组织者Reverend Jeff Hood,向《达拉斯晨报》讲述了当枪击事件发生时他所看到的。
"I was leading the protest. I was, you know, right there with another officer. I heard what sounded like six to eight shots. I saw people scramble. The officer ran towards the shots. I ran away from the shots trying to get people off the streets. And I was grabbing myself to see if I was shot."
President Obama said the earlier shootings of the two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota should cause all Americans to be deeply troubled.
There's been another major bomb attack in Iraq on a Shia holly site north of the capital Baghdad. The authorities say more than 30 people have been killed and many more injured. David Bamford has the latest.
巴格达北部一个什叶派圣地再次发生爆炸袭击。官方表示该事件导致30多人死亡,多人受伤。请听David Bamford 带来的最新报道。
The suicide bomber and gunmen launched their attack on the Shia Mausoleum of Sayid Mohammed bin Ali al-Hadi in the town of Balad. After the bomb exploded close to the gate, reports say several gunmen stormed the site and opened fired on the worshippers celebrating the Eid festival. The attack comes less than a week after almost 300 people were killed in the city's worst single bombing since the 2003 war in the busy mainly Shia shopping district of Karrada. IS said it was responsible.
The authorities in Saudi Arabia have arrested 19 suspects, 12 of them Pakistani, following the suicide bomb attack on the Prophet's mosque in Madina on Monday. Yusuf Taha reports.
上周一,沙特圣城麦地那一处先知清真寺发生自杀式炸弹袭击,沙特阿拉伯当局已经逮捕19名犯罪嫌疑人,其中12名为巴基斯坦人,请听Yusuf Taha 带来的报道。
An interior ministry spokesman identified the bomber as Na'ir al-Balawi, a 26-year-old Saudi national with previous convictions for drug abuse. Four policemen were killed when he detonated his explosive belt. The spokesman also named the suspects in two suicide attacks which happened on the same day in the mainly Shia city of Qatif in the eastern province. The bombing in Madina drew worldwide condemnation including from Shia Iran, which called for international effort to defeat terrorists.
一位内政部发言人表示,嫌犯为Na'ir al-Balawi,26岁,沙特国籍,有吸毒史。他引爆了身上的炸药带,4名警察当场死亡。在同一天,东部城市卡提夫也遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,该发言人也指认了这起案件的嫌犯。麦地那爆炸事件引起了全世界的谴责,包括伊朗什叶派。他们呼吁全球共同打击恐怖分子。
The former head of the army in Chile, General Juan Emilio Cheyre, has been detained for alleged involvement in the killing of 15 people in the aftermath of the 1973 military coup. General Cheyre, who was a young officer when General Augusto Pinochet seized power, was accused of complicity in the killing of left-wing activists in the northern city of La Serena.
在1973年智利军事政变期间,智利前陆军司令Juan Emilio Cheyre,因涉嫌参与杀害15名人士被拘留。当皮诺切特将军夺取政权时,他还是一位年轻军官,他被指控在北部城市 拉塞雷纳共谋杀害左翼激进分子。
The controversial Brazilian politician who led the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff has resigned from his post as speaker of the lower house of Congress. Eduardo Cunha had been accused of diverting millions of dollars in the state oil company Petrobras to personal accounts in Switzerland. He denies the charges.
BBC News
The Colombian government has said that the total area used for the production of coca, the raw material for cocaine, has increased by 39% in one year. The Defence Minster Luis Carlos Villegas said the decision to suspend crop spraying because of health concerns was one of the main reasons for the surge. He announced new measures to tackle the illegal crops.
哥伦比亚政府表示,用于种植古柯的总面积面积在一年之内扩大39%,古柯是制作可卡因原材料。国防部长 Luis Carlos Villegas表示,因健康问题而决定暂停作物喷洒是面积激增的主要原因之一。他宣布将采取新措施打击非法作物。
Officials in Taiwan say at least 24 people have been injured in an explosion on a commuter train in the capital Taipei. Police say they suspect the blast was caused by a pipe bomb. Witnesses on Taiwanese television described seeing a man leaving a pipe-shaped device on the train before the explosion.
Poland's centre-right government has rushed an amended version of its constitutional court reforms through parliament just hours before Warsaw hosts the Nato summit. The government hopes that changes would appease its Western allies, who have expressed concern that the Polish government is failing to respect democratic checks and balances. The opposition says the reforms don't go far enough and still give the government too much influence over the constitutional court.
France, the host of the Euro 2016 football tournament, have made it to Sunday's final where they will meet Portugal. They beat the reigning world champions Germany by 2-0 in the second semi-final. Alex Capstick reports.
2016年欧洲杯东道主法国将于周日与葡萄牙争夺冠军。法国在第二场半决赛中以2-0击败世界冠军德国队。请听来自Alex Capstick的报道。
This was vengeance for France. The nation has waited 58 years for victory over Germany at a major football tournament. And how fitting the cycle was broken at the Stade Velodrome. There have been so many painful defeats over the years. The French won't mind a beast that for long periods they were dominated by the world champions. Antoine Griezmann, the player of this championship, provided the stardust. His two goals, the first a controversial penalty, the second the results of comical German defending, propelled his team to Sunday's final.
这是法国的复仇之战。58年来,这个国家一直等待着在重大足球赛事中战胜德国。在韦洛德罗姆球场,这一愿望终于实现。多年来,法国经历太多次失败的痛苦。但他们并不在意处于世界冠军的压制之下。Antoine Griezmann,冠军队的成员,他的两次进球帮助他的球队进军周日的决赛,第一次进球是有争议的点球,第二次进球是由于德国防守失误。
Alex Capstick reporting from Marseille
来自马赛Alex Capstick 的报道。
BBC News
Hello, I'm Justine Greene with the BBC News.
US media reports say two police officers have been shot at a protest rally against police violence in Dallas, Texas. Several shots were fired. Demonstrations have been held in several cities against the shooting dead of two black men by white police officers in recent days. The organiser of the Black Lives Matter rally, Reverend Jeff Hood, told the Dallas Morning News what he saw as shots were fired.
"I was leading the protest. I was, you know, right there with another officer. I heard what sounded like six to eight shots. I saw people scramble. The officer ran towards the shots. I ran away from the shots trying to get people off the streets. And I was grabbing myself to see if I was shot."
President Obama said the earlier shootings of the two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota should cause all Americans to be deeply troubled.
There's been another major bomb attack in Iraq on a Shia holly site north of the capital Baghdad. The authorities say more than 30 people have been killed and many more injured. David Bamford has the latest.
The suicide bomber and gunmen launched their attack on the Shia Mausoleum of Sayid Mohammed bin Ali al-Hadi in the town of Balad. After the bomb exploded close to the gate, reports say several gunmen stormed the site and opened fired on the worshippers celebrating the Eid festival. The attack comes less than a week after almost 300 people were killed in the city's worst single bombing since the 2003 war in the busy mainly Shia shopping district of Karrada. IS said it was responsible.
The authorities in Saudi Arabia have arrested 19 suspects, 12 of them Pakistani, following the suicide bomb attack on the Prophet's mosque in Madina on Monday. Yusuf Taha reports.
An interior ministry spokesman identified the bomber as Na'ir al-Balawi, a 26-year-old Saudi national with previous convictions for drug abuse. Four policemen were killed when he detonated his explosive belt. The spokesman also named the suspects in two suicide attacks which happened on the same day in the mainly Shia city of Qatif in the eastern province. The bombing in Madina drew worldwide condemnation including from Shia Iran, which called for international effort to defeat terrorists.
The former head of the army in Chile, General Juan Emilio Cheyre, has been detained for alleged involvement in the killing of 15 people in the aftermath of the 1973 military coup. General Cheyre, who was a young officer when General Augusto Pinochet seized power, was accused of complicity in the killing of left-wing activists in the northern city of La Serena.
The controversial Brazilian politician who led the impeachment process against President Dilma Rousseff has resigned from his post as speaker of the lower house of Congress. Eduardo Cunha had been accused of diverting millions of dollars in the state oil company Petrobras to personal accounts in Switzerland. He denies the charges.
BBC News
The Colombian government has said that the total area used for the production of coca, the raw material for cocaine, has increased by 39% in one year. The Defence Minster Luis Carlos Villegas said the decision to suspend crop spraying because of health concerns was one of the main reasons for the surge. He announced new measures to tackle the illegal crops.
Officials in Taiwan say at least 24 people have been injured in an explosion on a commuter train in the capital Taipei. Police say they suspect the blast was caused by a pipe bomb. Witnesses on Taiwanese television described seeing a man leaving a pipe-shaped device on the train before the explosion.
Poland's centre-right government has rushed an amended version of its constitutional court reforms through parliament just hours before Warsaw hosts the Nato summit. The government hopes that changes would appease its Western allies, who have expressed concern that the Polish government is failing to respect democratic checks and balances. The opposition says the reforms don't go far enough and still give the government too much influence over the constitutional court.
France, the host of the Euro 2016 football tournament, have made it to Sunday's final where they will meet Portugal. They beat the reigning world champions Germany by 2-0 in the second semi-final. Alex Capstick reports.
This was vengeance for France. The nation has waited 58 years for victory over Germany at a major football tournament. And how fitting the cycle was broken at the Stade Velodrome. There have been so many painful defeats over the years. The French won't mind a beast that for long periods they were dominated by the world champions. Antoine Griezmann, the player of this championship, provided the stardust. His two goals, the first a controversial penalty, the second the results of comical German defending, propelled his team to Sunday's final.
Alex Capstick reporting from Marseille
BBC News