BBC news with Sue Montgomery.
Donald Trump has been formally nominated as the Republican Party's candidate for the US presidential election in November. At the party's convention in Ohio, a state by state vote confirmed that Mr. Trump had enough support to become the nominee. James Cook reports from Cleveland.
“Over the past year, the property developer from New York has turned American politics upside down attracting both support and disgust with a potent mix of populous rhetoric. He sealed the nomination at the party's convention in Cleveland in a roll call of results from primary elections around the country. The moment was stage managed, so Mr. Trump's home state put him over the line, his son Donald Junior confirming the results from New York with the words Congratulations Dad, We love you.”
An estimated 50,000 people have been rounded up, sacked or suspended from their jobs by Turkey's government in the wake of the failed coup last week. The purge of soldiers, police and officials deem to be less than loyal to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was extended on Tuesday to include teachers, university deans and the media. The government says they are ally to the US base preacher Fethullah Gulen who had accuses of directing the coup. Salien Geirut in Istanbul says the extent of the arrests have raised several questions.
上周土耳其军事政变失败以后,约有5万人被土耳其政府解雇。开除的人员包括不忠于土耳其总统埃尔多安的士兵、警察和政府官员,现在开除的人员还扩展到了教师、大学教职工和新闻媒体人员。政府称这些人是受美国传教士居伦的指导,人们猜测居伦是这次政变的主谋。在伊斯坦布尔的Salien Geirut指出,逮捕范围之大,引发了数多问题。
“If these people are all supporting Gulenist's movement as the government suggests, how in the first place, as they were able to infiltrate in such numbers and into such significant positions within the state bureaucracy, and police force, and the army. The question is whether Mr. Erdogan, and government, is using the suppression of the coup attempt as an opportunity to further enhance their powers.”
President Obama has spoken to President Erdogan to offer assistance in any investigation into the failed coup. The White House said the two leaders discussed Mr. Gulen and any potential extradition request from Turkey would be looked out under the terms of treaty between the two countries.
Scientists say last month was the warmest June on record and global temperatures for the first six months of 2016 are in average1.5 °C hotter than pre-industrial levels. Here is Ben Louis. “US climate monitors say 2016 will be the hottest year on record for a third consecutive year. Their monthly assessment highlights a range of disturbing anomalies, for instance the extent of CI surround the poles been below average. The Paris Agreement calls for restricting global temperature rise to well below 2 °C or1.5 °C if possible. This data appears to confirm that the lower threshold has already been reached, it also suggests that pressure to implement the deal this year will increase if the more achievable target is to be met.”
科学家表示上个月是历史上温度最高的六月,并且上个月温度,与工业前相比,高出1.5摄氏度。请听记者本·路易斯的报道。“美国气候监测称2016年是史上最热的一年。月度监测表示气象出现一系列的日常现象,如两极海洋冰川覆盖率低于平均水平。巴黎协议呼吁限制全球温度上升值低于1.5 °C 到2 °C。但数据表示已经达到了最低的阈值。同时还表示,如果要实现其他的目标,今年贯彻巴黎协议的压力将会加大。”
BBC news.
The Brazilian Supreme Court has overruled a decision ordering mobile phone operators to indefinitely block access to Whats App.The president of the court said the ruling had been disproportionate because the service is so widely used in Brazil. Earlier a lower court rule that Face book which owns the service had refused to cooperate with repeated requests to hand over information to criminal investigators.
巴西最高法院已经撤销了使用了Whats APP的禁令。法院院长表示禁令不太适合,因为在巴西很多人在使用这项服务。早些时候,一些下级法院表示拥有这项服务的Facebook拒绝向犯罪调查人员提供信息。
The Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls has warned the national assembly there will be more terrorist attacks and more death in the country. He said France would have to learn to live with the threat of outrages like the attack in Nice last week. “We will be confronted with other attacks and even these words are hard to say, it’s my duty to do so. There will be other attacks and there will be other innocent people killed, we must all become accustomed, never become accustomed to the horror, but learn to leave what is menace.”
The World Food Program has launched an appeal for 200 million dollars to help provide emergency assistance for seven countries affected by drought in southern Africa. Failed harvests have left 18million people facing hunger in the Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Officials in Mali say at least 17 soldiers were killed when an heavily armed man overrun their base in the central town of Nampala, about 30 of those were wounded, a recently formed group said it carried out the assault in response to attacks on the Peulany ethnic group by the Malian army.
A major sewage leak in California has forced the authorities to close all the beaches in Long beach, south of Los Angeles. A damage pipeline split as repairs were being carried out on Tuesday releasing more than nine million liters of sewages into the Los Angeles River.
BBC news.
BBC news with Sue Montgomery.
Donald Trump has been formally nominated as the Republican Party's candidate for the US presidential election in November. At the party's convention in Ohio, a state by state vote confirmed that Mr. Trump had enough support to become the nominee. James Cook reports from Cleveland.“Over the past year, the property developer from New York has turned American politics upside down attracting both support and disgust with a potent mix of populous rhetoric. He sealed the nomination at the party's convention in Cleveland in a roll call of results from primary elections around the country. The moment was stage managed, so Mr. Trump's home state put him over the line, his son Donald Junior confirming the results from New York with the words Congratulations Dad, We love you.”
An estimated 50,000 people have been rounded up, sacked or suspended from their jobs by Turkey's government in the wake of the failed coup last week. The purge of soldiers, police and officials deem to be less than loyal to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was extended on Tuesday to include teachers, university deans and the media. The government says they a really to the US base preacher Fethullah Gulen who had accuses of directing the coup. Salien Geirut in Istanbul says the extent of the arrests have raised several questions. “If these people are all supporting Gulenist'smovement as the government suggests, how in the first place, as they were able to infiltrate in such numbers and into such significant positions within the state bureaucracy, and police force, and the army. The question is whether Mr. Erdogan,and government, is using the suppression of the coup attempt as an opportunity to further enhance their powers.” President Obama has spoken to President Erdogan to offer assistance in any investigation into the failed coup. The White House said the two leaders discussed Mr. Gulen and any otential extradition request from Turkey would be looked out under the terms of treaty between the two countries.
Scientists say last month was the warmest June on record and global temperatures for the first six months of 2016 are in average1.5 °C hotter than pre-industrial levels. Here is Ben Lowens. “USclimate monitors say 2016 will be the hottest year on record for a third consecutive year. Their monthly assessment highlights a range of disturbing anomalies, for instance the extent of CI surround the poles been below average. The Paris Agreement calls for restricting global temperature rise to well below 2 °C or1.5 °C if possible. This data appears to confirm that the lower threshold has already been reached, it also suggests that pressure to implement the deal this year will increase if the more achievable target is to be met.” BBC news.
The Brazilian Supreme Court has overruled a decision ordering mobile phone operators to indefinitely block access to Whats App.The president of the court said the ruling had been disproportionate because the service is so widely used in Brazil. Earlier a lower court rule that Face book which owns the service had refused to cooperate with repeated requests to hand over information to criminal investigators.
The Prime Minister of France Manuel Valls has warned the national assembly there will be more terrorist attacks and more death in the country. He said France would have to learn to live with the threat of outrages like the attack in Nice last week. “We will be confronted with other attacks and even these words are hard to say, it’s my duty to do so. There will be other attacks and there will be other innocent people killed, we must all become accustomed, never become accustomed to the horror, but learn to leave what is menace.”
The World Food Program has launched an appeal for 200 million dollars to help provide emergency assistance for seven countries affected by drought in southern Africa. Failed harvests have left 18million people facing hunger in the Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Officials in Mali say at least 17 soldiers were killed when an heavily armed man overrun their base in the central town of Nampala, about 30 of those were wounded, a recently formed group said it carried out the assault in response to attacks on the Peulany ethnic group by the Malian army.
A major sewage leak in California has forced the authorities to close all the beaches in Long beach, south of Los Angeles. A damage pipeline split as repairs were being carried out on Tuesday releasing more than nine million liters of sewages into the Los Angeles River. BBC news.