daffodil: a yellow trumpet-shaped flower that blossoms in early spring
bulb: a rounded plant part that is planted under the soil
discard: reject or get rid of
toxic: poisonous
intersperse: to place or spread in between other things
bone meal: a type of fertilizer that contains animal waste products, including bones
inhumane: cruel; causes suffering
Squirrels Don’t Like Daffodils - 松鼠不喜欢水仙花
Squirrels are often a gardener’s worst nightmare. Squirrels love to dig in freshly planted garden beds, especially if it means digging up tulip bulbs. Though squirrels don’t always eat the bulbs they find, they usually run off with the bulbs and take a few bites before they discard them around a yard or field. Fortunately for gardeners, squirrels don’t eat daffodils. Daffodils are toxic to squirrels, so they tend to stay clear of them. Many gardeners intersperse their tulip and daffodil bulbs to keep squirrels away. Another trick is toscatter blood or bone meal around bulbs and flowers. Some people use cayenne or chilli pepper, but this is actually inhumane. Pepper can get in the squirrel’s eyes causing temporary blindness and severe pain.