verbing: the turning of a noun or adjective into a verb
weird out: to make uncomfortable
coin: to give something a name
The Word ‘Verb’ Is A Noun-词语“动词”是个名词
The most common definition of a noun is a person, place, or thing. The “thing” part of this definition can mean a concept, an idea, or even a word, like the word “verb”. Sometimes nouns are turned into verbs through a process called “verbing” or “verbification”. Take the word “party” for example. It wasn’t that long ago when this word was mainly used as a noun.These days, to party is one of the most popular verbs out there! Nouns aren’t the only word forms that you can verbify. Adjectives can also be turned into verbs. Have you ever heard the adjective “weird” being used as a verb? To “weird someone out” means to make someone feel uncomfortable. Newly coined verbs often happen with popular technology or brands. For example, “google” is one of the most popular verbs around.