so it has a massive gravitational field.
This attracts dangerous flying objects that mightotherwise hit Earth.
Jupiter is Earth s protector.Scientists have even seen it in action.
木星是地球的保护神 科学家甚至亲眼见到过
In the early 1990s,a comet was captured by Jupiter's powerful gravity.
在20世纪90年代初 一个彗星被土星巨大的引力捕捉到
It broke up into many different pieces,which smashed into the planet.
它碎成了许多片 撞到了土星上
Some of the blasts left scars as big as Earth itself
Without Jupiter, it's likely Earth would have been pummelled
by huge impacts like this e very 10,000 years or so.
Under that kind of bombardment,it's hard to imagine how complex life could ever have gotgoing.
在这样的轰炸下 很难想象复杂生命可以延续
Any planet that's to be a home to complex life needs liquid water,
a sun that doesn't burn out too quickly and a giant neighbour to protect it from meteorites.
太阳不会很快蒸发它 有个巨大的邻居保护它不受陨石侵袭