Hi, Spencer. 嗨 斯宾塞
Listen, I just wanted to thank you 我只想说有你这么强的对手
for being such a good sport. 我真的很想谢谢你
I know that the two of us running for the same position 我知道我们俩竞选同一个位置
could have caused some tension. 气氛可能会有点紧张
I didn't mean to make a big deal of that. 我不想小题大做
I would've called or texted, but... 我本来想给你打电话或发个短信 但
Oh, no, Mona, I got your text. 没有 梦娜 我收到你的短信了
Yesterday. 就在昨天
I'm not allowed to have a cell phone. 我不能用手机
No texting, no internet. 不能发短信 不能上网
Part of my release terms from Radley. 拉德里放我出来的条件
No internet. So how did you post that apology video? 不能上网 你怎么上传那个道歉视频的
The vice-principal 副校长说
said that I could have limited access to the computer lab. 我可以在限制条件下进电脑室
Homework only, supervised. 只有做作业时可以 在老师的监督下
That was certainly calculating, but I wouldn't call it trig. 算计的真好 但我觉得不怎么样
I thought it was the right thing to do, so I asked Jason and... 我以为这么做是对的 所以我让杰森
He's helping you? He supervised. 是他在帮你吗 他监督我
It was my idea. 是我的主意
We know you were sneaking out of Radley, Mona. 我们知道你经常溜出拉德里 梦娜
How are we supposed to believe anything you say? 我们凭什么相信你说的话
Mona? The doctor said that 梦娜 医生说
People might have some trouble. 要大家接受我会有点难度
It's just been a little more overwhelming than I thought, you know, 只是 比我想象的更难
to confront the past and 面对过去的事情
work it out with all of you. 同你们和解