You okay? 你还好吗
Spence, what's wrong? 斯宾塞 怎么了
You're not upset because Ali tried to hook up with Toby, are you? 你不是因为艾莉想勾搭托比而难过吧
Who even knows if she did? 就算她有 又有谁知道呢
Just because she wrote it down doesn't mean-- 就因为她写下来了不代表...
I-I haven't told you guys the truth. 我没跟你们说实话
What do you mean? What truth? 什么意思 什么实话
That Toby and I broke up 我和托比分手了
last night. You did? 就在昨晚 是吗
What happened? 怎么了
I'm not really ready to talk about it. 我还没准备好谈这事
Can we... please just keep it between us? 能 能先不告诉其他人吗
Yeah. Thanks. 好的 谢谢
It's just not that simple. 没这么简单
I mean, she became part of a group. 她成为了团体的一员
They influenced her. 他们影响了她
I think she just called him out to punish him. 我觉得她就是叫他出来接受惩罚的
Well, maybe at first, sure, 也许一开始是这样
but I think she really started to believe in her own lie. 但她后来真的开始相信自己编织的谎言了