Enjoying a nice day in the park? 在公园里是不是很享受
Oh. Spencer. I didn't even see you, uh... 斯宾塞 我都没看到你
Been writing down all of your thoughts and feelings? 忙着记录你的感受和想法吗
Um... actually, I was working on this, um... 实际上 我是在写这个
How could you do that to her? 你怎么能这样对她
I'm sorry, I-I-I-- 抱歉 我
No, don't apologize to me. 不 别跟我道歉
My God, not after the way that you've treated her. 天哪 你都这么对她了还道什么歉啊
Do you even get how much she loves you? 你到底知不知道她有多爱你
Do you think that it's easy to find out a secret like that? 你觉得发现这种秘密很轻松吗
Because it's not, okay? It's a burden. 并不是 这是一种负担
I mean, you're screwed 说了是你倒霉
if you tell and you're screwed if you don't, 不说也是你倒霉
and if you really want to get pissed and take it out on somebody, 你要真生气想找人发泄
don't dump it on Aria, okay? 也别找艾瑞亚 好吗
No, go after Maggie, because she's actually 去找麦琪吧 她才是那个
the person who had your son 为你生儿子
and then kept it a secret for seven years! 却瞒了你七年的人
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
I thought... I thought, um... 我以为 我以为
I thought that Aria had told you, and... 我以为艾瑞亚告诉你了
did you not have this conversation? 你们没谈过这事吗
What... conversation? 谈过 什么事
What-- what are you talking about? 你 你在说什么
I need to... I need to go. 我得 我得走了
No, Spencer, wait. 不 斯宾塞 等等