Whoa, are you moving in, or are you moving out? 你是要搬进来 还是搬出去啊
Out. All right. 搬出去 差不多了
I don't think that pot's disposable. 这锅不是一次性的吧
There's very little pot left. It's mostly black oatmeal. 这锅基本没用了 里面都是烧焦的燕麦
Yeah, well, you might miss it. 你也许会想它的
Don't worry, my mother will go through the trash 别担心 我搬出去之后
after I'm outta here. 我妈会把这些垃圾检查一遍
Let her replace it. Right... 留给她放回去吧 好了
She called me today. She was looking for you. 她今天打给我了 说在找你
Oh, she found me. At 7 a.m. 她找到我了 早上七点
Paid the super for a spare key and woke me up. 花钱弄到备用钥匙 叫我起床
Wait. If she knew you were here this morning, 等等 要是她知道你今早在这里
why would she call me this afternoon? 那她下午为什么还要打给我
To test you. Trap you. 测试你 给你下套
Prove to Ezra that you're a liar. 向以斯拉证明你是个骗子
God, she is so hateful. 天哪 她可真讨厌
Did I just say that out loud? 好像说得有点大声了
So, you headed back to prep school? 你要回预科学校吗
Nope, I was officially banished. 不 我已经正式退学了
Where are you gonna finish your senior year? 那你高三这年要在哪念
Who knows? Spain maybe. Halifax. 谁知道呢 也许去西班牙 或哈利法克斯
Halifax? Why there? 哈利法克斯 为什么去那里
I have a friend who works up there at a marine center. 我有个朋友在那里的海洋中心工作
They save seals and track whales. 他们拯救海豹 追踪鲸鱼
It's an awesome place. 那地方很棒
I think I'd love to do something like that. 我很感兴趣那些事情
That's cool. 那很好