Have you heard from jason? 你有杰森的消息吗
He texted. He's laying low 他发过信息 他现在躲在
at a friend's place in Virginia for a while. 弗吉尼亚州一个朋友那里
I kinda wish he took me with him. 我真希望他也带我去了
Did you tell paige that she almost 你有没有跟佩奇说过
got two Emilys for the price of one? 你死里逃生的事情
Are you kidding? 你开玩笑吗
She's worried enough about me as it is. 她已经够为我担心的了
Do you think Paige and Caleb have told us everything? 你觉得佩奇和凯勒把所有事都告诉我们了吗
I mean, with them digging into Mona, 我是说 既然他们调查梦娜
do you think they found out something that we could use? 你觉得他们有没有找到什么对我们有用的东西
"A" almost killed me. I am not exposing Paige to that. A差点杀了我 我不会让佩奇冒这个险的
No, of course not. 那是当然了
But would it hurt to find out 只是了解下她有没有找到
if she picked up anything useful? 什么有用的东西又不会怎样
Yeah, I-I guess we could go and talk to her after school. 好吧 我想可以在放学以后找她谈谈
How is Caleb, anyway? 凯勒怎么样了
Everything go okay with the reunion? 重聚之后一切都还好吗
Yeah. Yeah, mostly. 还好 差不多还行
What part isn't? 差了哪里不行
I don't know. This weird thing happened. 我不知道 发生了一件奇怪的事情
I put a five dollar bill in the church collection box, 我往教堂的募捐箱里投了一张五美元的钞票
and it had some dice drawn on it. 上面画有骰子的图案
And later that day, Caleb's dad had it. 同一天 那张钞票就到了凯勒他爸的手上
You gave money to a church? 你给教堂捐钱了
Emily, I'm serious. 艾米丽 我说正经的呢
Do you know how much money has writing on it? 你知道有多少人往钱上面画图写字吗
George Washington has dreadlocks on like half my tips. 我收的小费票子上面的毛爷爷好多都有刘海儿
Yeah, I know, but what if it was the same one. 是的 我知道 不过要是真是同一张呢
The guy's an ex-con. 那人有前科的
Hanna, do you really think he would steal 汉娜 你真的觉得
from the place that just hired him? 他会在刚刚聘用他的地方盗窃吗
We need to find out the truth. 我们得查出真相