So, what are we saying? 我们在说些什么
That what Ali wrote in Emily's notebook was true? 艾莉写在艾米丽本上的话都是真的吗
That Toby's secretly hated us ever since 从艾莉把爆竹放到他车库起
Ali threw that firecracker in his garage? 托比就一直在恨我们吗
Yeah, I guess so. 应该是
And the whole time that you two... were together, 那你们俩在一起的时候
he was just pretending. 他一直是装的吗
Okay, we all know how much Toby loves you. 我们都知道托比有多爱你
This can't be true. There has to be more to the story. 这不可能 肯定有隐情
If he loved me, he would not have let me sit outside of his loft 如果他爱我 就不会让我在他阁楼外面
bawling my eyes out for hours. 大哭大闹几个小时
Okay? He wouldn't have taken everything 好吗 当他知道我有钥匙的时候
out of "A"'s lair when he knew that I had the key. 就不会搬出那些关于A的谎话来骗我
He wouldn't be trying to hurt me--us! 他不会伤害我 伤害我们
I am so sorry, Spence. 我很抱歉 斯宾塞
Mona must have something over him. 梦娜肯定有他的把柄
Trust me, I have tried to come up with 相信我 我试着找出他这样做的
every possible explanation as to why he could be doing this, 每一个合理解释
and it all leads back to the same conclusion. 但最后都指向了同一个答案
Toby, I know, what would never do anything to hurt any of us. 我知道的托比绝不会伤害我们
What's so funny? 有什么好笑的
You. You trying to make sense of this. 你 你还想解释
You need to stop thinking about Toby 托比不是那个
as the person that you thought you knew 你想象中的他了
and start looking at him for who he really is. 你应该开始看看他的真实面目
And how do I do that? 我要怎么做
You look at the facts, Emily! 看看这些事实 艾米丽
Okay. Which are? 好吧 什么事实
Mona is with the decathlon team in New York city. 梦娜正和十项全能队在纽约
She couldnhave locked me in the steam room, 她没办法把我关在蒸汽房
and that leaves Toby. 只有托比可以