He must have been taken to a hospital. 他可能被送到了医院
or he's in the woods somewhere and we just can't find him. 或者躲在丛林之中 我们根本找不到他
What are you doing? 你在干什么
Calling Rosewood hospital... 打电话给玫瑰镇医院
and then my lawyer. 还有我的律师
No! You cannot do that! Why not? 不 你不能这样做 为什么不能
Because if Wilden is still alive somewhere, 因为如果威尔登现在还活着
we don't know what he'll say or do. 我们不知道他会做些什么或说些什么
Hanna, I hit a man. 汉娜 我撞了一个人
Not just any man-- I hit a cop. 不是一个普通人 我撞了一个警察
He was threatening you. 他在威胁你
I left the scene of an accident. 我肇事逃逸了
Which is why you can't admit to what you've done 所以在我们弄清事情状况之前
until we know exactly what we're dealing with. 你更不能随便承认罪行了
I was scared. He was reaching for his gun. 我很害怕 他当时在掏枪
I-I thought he was reaching for his gun! 我 我觉得他是在掏枪
I know. But whatever he did or didn't do, 我知道 但是不管他做了什么
you still hit him. 你确实撞了他
And once you tell the police or your lawyer, 一旦你告诉了警方或律师
there's no going back. 事情就没有挽回的余地了
Okay. Hanna... 好吧 汉娜
Until we know what our next step is... 在我们想清楚下一步要怎么做之前
Not a word about this to your friends. 千万不要告诉你的朋友
Understood? Yes, of course. 明白吗 当然
Hanna, I mean it. 汉娜 我是认真的
Nothing. 一个字也不说
I promise. 我保证