I bet you were surprised to see me. 我想你见到我很惊讶吧
You're taking a big risk. 你这是玩火
Coming here. Talking to me. 竟然来这里 跟我谈话
Just visiting a friend. 只是来看看朋友
Why did you kill Toby? 你为什么要杀了托比
What did that get you? 杀了他你能得到什么好处
That's an interesting question. 这问题真有意思
If it were true, if I killed him, 如果你说的是真的 如果我杀了他
Why would I want to talk to you? 那我还来找你谈什么
Look at all that's happened since you turned me down 看看自从你拒绝跟我开车上山之后
on our little drive up the mountain. 发生的这些事情
All the pain and disappointment and loss, 这些痛苦 失望 还有失去的人
because you were stubborn. 都是因为你的顽固不化
But I believe in second chances. 但我会再给你一次机会
I'm a generous person. 我是个宽宏大量的人
No, you're not. 不 你不是
You wouldn't be here if you didn't need something. 你要不是想得到些什么你才不会来这里
Whatever it is, Mona, the answer's no. 梦娜 无论你想要什么我都不会给你
Ali was never pregnant. 艾莉从没怀过孕
She thought she was, and she panicked, 她以为自己怀孕了 很惊慌
but it was a false alarm. 但实际她并没有怀上
No way you can be sure of that. 你不可能知道这些
Ali told me. 艾莉告诉我的
I have her diaries. Remember? 我有她的日记 还记得吗
I don't have all of them, but... 虽然不是全部 但是
I have most of them. 大部分都在我这儿
And I know where the rest of them are. 而且我还知道剩下的部分在哪
I have the answers, Spencer. 答案在我这儿 斯宾塞
I have the answers to questions you haven't even thought of. 我甚至还有你没想到过的问题的答案
Leave me alone. 别来烦我