You have all these bits and pieces. 所有的零零碎碎你都有了
You're trying to put together a jig-saw puzzle, 你想要像拼图似的把它们拼起来
But you've never seen the picture on the front of the box. 但你却不知道这副拼图是什么样子
You need me. 你需要我
Otherwise, you'll never really know anything for sure. 否则 你什么都搞不明白
Go away! 快滚
Before I start choking you again. 否则我还会掐死你
Mona, I've got nothing left to lose. 梦娜 我已经没有什么可以失去了
They already think that I'm crazy. 他们已经觉得我疯了
You're not crazy. 你没疯
You're as sane as I am. 你和我一样都神志正常
Your mom should have the contact info. 你妈妈应该有联系方式
I will call you as soon I get to the hotel. 我一到酒店就会给你打电话
Okay. 好的
Don't worry, mom. I'll be fine, 别担心 妈妈 我没事
We'll be okay, Mrs. Marin. 我们不会有事的 玛琳夫人
I love you. - I love you. 我爱你 -我也爱你
Geez, did you pack enough for three days? 天啊 你就打包了这么点儿东西
If I forgot something, I can always go back. 我要是落下了什么 还可以回去拿