Well, like you said, 正如你所说
somebody's blowing a lot of smoke. 有人施了很多障眼法
I'm guessing it's our buddy Nigel. 我猜是那位奈杰尔老兄
Kitchen's clear. I got nothing. 厨房检查完毕 一无所获
Yeah, mail's pretty tame. 信件内容都平淡无常
It's just junk, bills. 就是些没用的账单
I feel weird touching his stuff even with gloves on. 就算带上手套 翻他的东西还是很奇怪
Come up with anything? - Not a lot, 有什么发现吗 -没什么
just some family photos, lots and lots of black socks 就是些家庭照片 很多黑袜子
and his, uh... film collection. 还有他 收藏的电影
Wilden's a film buff? 威尔登是个影迷吗
What, like classics? 还收藏经典电影吗
Yeah, if you consider "Lord of the G-strings" a classic. 如果你觉得《伯爵的丁字裤》也算经典的话
It's weird, though, there's no plants, no art, 不过还是很奇怪 没有植物 艺术品
there's not a lot of, like, knick-knacks or personal stuff. 没什么小装饰或私人物品
I think what I found was pretty personal. Spencer's right. 我的发现还挺私人的 斯宾塞说得对
It's like he came here to eat, sleep and change his socks. 就好像他只来这里吃饭睡觉换袜子一样
I think he did a little more than just change his socks. 他除了换袜子肯定还做别的
And they weren't even under his socks-- 电影都没放在他的袜子下面
they were just stacked on his nightstand like, 就堆在他的床头柜里 类似
"Hmm. What do I want to watch tonight-- "今晚我要看点什么呢
Jimmy Kimmel or boobs?" 吉米·坎摩尔秀还是胸部"
Aria, focus. 艾瑞亚 注意重点
We already knew that Wilden was a creep, okay? 我们都知道威尔登是个怪咖
And what are we missing? 我们漏掉了什么