It's a long story. 说来话长
Sounds like you have a lot going on. 听起来你有很多事情
Maybe I should've checked in a little bit more 也许在再劝你做这件事之前
before I roped you into this again. 我应该先多了解一些
No, I wanna go with you guys next summer. 不 明年暑假我要和你们一起去
Is the sign-up form in here or should I do it online? 是在这里登记还是在网上登记
Where did you get the gun? 那把枪你是从哪弄来的
I found it in my father's desk. 在我爸爸的桌子上找到的
I was afraid of Wilden, 我害怕威尔顿
so I took it in case he ever tried anything. 所以把枪拿走 以防他想干什么
They found your mother's fingerprints on the bullets. 警察在子弹上找到你妈妈的指纹
I don't know anything about that. 这我就不清楚了
Look, my dad had that gun when he lived with me. 我爸和我住的时候就有那把枪了
My mom probably loaded it once. 我妈以前可能给枪上过膛
But I was the first one to ever shoot it. 但第一枪是我开的
And you shot it at Wilden. 而且还是对威尔顿开的
Yes. 是的
You followed him to the lake and you shot him. 你跟着他去到湖边 然后开枪打他
That's right. 就是这样
What was that like? 那感觉怎样
What? 什么
You killed someone. 你杀了人
He was as close to you as I am 他当时就像我现在一样和你近距离
and you shot him. 而你开枪打了他
What did that feel like? 那感觉怎么样
What the hell kind of question is that? 这算是哪门子的鬼问题
The sort of question that will let them know 那种会让警察知道
whether you're lying or telling the truth. 你是在说谎还是在说真话的问题
Make me believe you were there. 让我相信你当时真的在那
Tell me what you did. 告诉我你做了什么