Is she...? 她...
She fell. 她摔下来了
You tried to save her. 你尽力了
Look, Aria, this is not your fault. 艾瑞亚 这不是你的错
Are you sure you're okay, Aria? Did she hurt you? 你确定你没事吗 艾瑞亚 她没伤到你吧
We should just call the police. 我们应该报警
She's gone. 她不见了
God, that bitch has nine lives. 那贱人怎么都死不了的
We need to get out of here. Now. 得快点走 离开这里
I have to show you something. Come on. 我要给你们看点东西 快点
Come on! 快来
I think that the red coat that I was chasing might have been Ali. 我当时追的那个红衣人可能是艾莉
She waited for me at the door, 她一路都在等我
at the corner. She wanted me to follow her. 门口 拐角处 故意引我追她
And this is what Ali wanted us to see. 这就是艾莉想让我们看到的
What is this place? 这是什么地方
I think it's "A's" lair. 应该是艾莉的藏身之处