She's gone but she's not gone. 她失踪了 但就像从未离开一样
And we can't get away from her. 我们无法摆脱她
And I'm so tired of being Sara's friend. 我真的不想再做莎拉的朋友了 the life out of you. 这就像在吸干你的生命一样
I understand how you feel. 我懂你的感觉
No, you don't. 不 你不懂
I wished Sara was dead before she disappeared. 在莎拉消失之前 我就希望她能死掉
I told you I am a terrible person. 我说过 我是个可怕的人
I have to go. - No, you don't. 我得走了 -你不必走
It's time. - No! It's not. 到时间了 -不 没到
Your watch is broken. 你的表坏了
It's late. 时候不早了
Well then take me with you. 那你带我一起走
I can't. 我不能
Then I'll follow you. 那我就跟着你
Don't. 不行