What are you working on so intently? 专心致志写什么呢
Uh, nothing. It's the end of a story. 没什么 写个故事结局
It's not ready for public consumption yet. 还没准备好给人看呢
I got your note. 收到你的字条了
Uh, about tonight-- 今晚...
I can't now. Something came up. 不行 出了点事
Is everything okay? 没事吧
Hanna and Caleb, they broke up, so... 汉娜和凯勒分手了
Emily just thought it'd be a good idea 艾米丽觉得我们该
for us to get out of town for the night and... 今晚出城玩玩
kind of get her mind off of things. 让她别想太多
And I couldn't tell them that I had plans. 我不能说我有约了
Oh, no. No, of course not. 不不 没事的
Um, you're all going? 你们都会去吗
Yeah. 是的
Anywhere special? 去什么特别的地方吗
Emily's making a reservation somewhere. 艾米丽会预定地方
And I-I have a stack of papers to grade, anyway. 反正我也有一堆论文要批改
So...tomorrow? 那明天吧
About last night, 昨晚的事
it didn't feel like there was anyone else. 感觉全世界只剩我俩
It felt right. 感觉很对
I know. 我知道