You wanna throw another stack? 想再扔一轮吗
Are you kidding me? I'm just getting warmed up. 开什么玩笑 我刚做好热身呢
All right. 那好
Hey, mom? 妈
Thanks. 谢谢
You're welcome. 不用客气
Where have you been? 你去哪里了
Um, just with Emily. 跟艾米丽在一起呢
I got your message. 我收到你的信息了
Yeah, so Jessica Dilaurentis is on the board at Radley. 杰西卡·迪劳伦提斯是拉德里董事会的
And that must be why my dad changed-- I signed the agreement. 所以我爸才改了... 协议我签了
What? Wait when? 什么 什么时候的事
Before I got your message. It doesn't matter. 我收到你的信息之前 时间不重要
Of course it does. My dad manipulated you into signing it. 怎么不重要 那是我爸逼你签的
That may be true, but my dad and I had a long talk today 可能是吧 但是我跟我爸今天谈了很久
and we decided to move on from this. 我们决定向前看了
It's the best thing for our family. 这对我们家是最好的选择
Toby, You can't do that. 托比 你不能这样
There's clearly so much more 很明显这件事
to this cover-up than we know. 一定另有隐情