I don't understand. How could she just disappear like that? 我不明白 她怎么会凭空消失呢
She didn't disappear. You scared her away. 她不是消失 是被你吓跑了
I can't believe you followed me here. 你竟然跟踪我到这里
I thought you were putting yourself in danger. 我以为你会有危险
Yeah, well, you thought wrong. 你想错了
I know. I'm sorry. 我知道 对不起
You're gonna have to work harder than that. 说句对不起就没事了吗
I betrayed Alison. 我背叛了艾莉森
She's never gonna reach out to me again. 她再也不会找我帮忙了
She's still playing games with us. 她还是在跟我们玩游戏
What are you talking about? 你在说什么
Ali sucked you back in. 艾莉把你拉回她那边了
She knew you were pulling away and that's why she picked you. 她知道你开始放弃了 所以才选了你
She wanted to make you feel special 她想让你感觉自己很特别
so that you wouldn't give up on her. 这样你才不会放弃她
That's sick. No. It's brilliant. 你想太多了 不 她很聪明
It wasn't like that, okay? She was different tonight. 不是那样的 她今晚跟以前不一样
She was sincere. 她很真诚
She can trust you, 她说能相信你
but she's not sure about the rest of us? 但是我们就不一定了
Don't you get it? She's trying to divide us. 你还不明白吗 她是想分裂我们
She wouldn't do that. Wouldn't she? 她不会那样做的 是吗
Wait. You were listening? This whole time? 等等 你一直都在偷听我们的谈话吗
We can't let her come between us. 我们不能让她分裂我们
I'd say you're doing a great job of that all on your own. 你老这样的话 不需要她也会分裂
I'm sorry. Don't! 对不起 别碰我