Okay, stop. 够了 站住
- What're you up to? - Excuse me? -你们在搞什么 -你说什么
Drop the cougar-crap 别废话了
and tell me why you're after a 10th grader. 说你为什么要追个高二学生
What turns you on? 什么让你感兴趣了
The fact that he shares my DNA 是他和我有一样的基因
Or that you have full access to my bedroom? 还是你可以随意进出我房间
Okay. Jesse warned me that this would happen. 好吧 杰西警告过我会发生这种事
Who's Jesse? 谁是杰西
The new guidance counselor that's the best thing 那个新来的顾问
that's happened to this friggin' school 是这所破学校继有了咖啡车之后
since we got a coffee cart. 发生的最好的事
He sees through the bull and he has a gift 他明察秋毫 还有团结
of bringing together people who need each other. 人们互相帮助的能力
Oh, so you're gonna tell me 你是想告诉我
that Jesse made this little love-connection? 是杰西促成你们这段感情的
Mona, when it comes to me and my friends, 梦娜 当涉及到我和我朋友时
you always have an agenda. 你总是有预谋的
No, you and your friends are the ones with the agenda, Aria. 是你和你朋友有预谋才对 艾瑞亚
After I helped Hanna's mom get out of jail, 在我帮汉娜的妈妈逃过牢狱之灾后
I was burned off like a wart. 我却引火烧身了
That's not exactly what happened. 事情的真相不是那样的
Really? Then tell me. What happened? 是吗 那告诉我 到底发生了什么
Why was I iced out after the charges were dropped? 为什么指控都撤销后 我就被排斥了
Why did the inner circle squeeze me out again? 为什么你们核心小团体又开始排挤我
Right. 没错
Well, I'm tired of being yoyo'ed, 我厌倦了被你们耍着玩
and I am hanging out with a different crowd now. 现在我和不同的人在一起
So suck it up, Aria. 别抱怨了 艾瑞亚