Well, that's rich, coming from a kid 你没资格说 尤其是
who maintains her grade point average 出自一个通过和老师睡觉
by sleeping with her teacher. 来保持平均成绩学分的孩子嘴里
Oh, my god. I'm sorry. 我的天呐 对不起
Just leave it. 不用你捡
You ran away? 你跑了
No. I walked. Fast. 没有 我只是走得很快
I basically just made things worse for Ezra. 大致说来 我把以斯拉的事情搞砸了
She'll make sure that he never sees Malcolm ever again. 她一定不会再让他见到马尔科姆的
It's not like he asked you to confront her. 又不是他叫你去面对她的
It happened in the moment. 事情就这样发生了
It doesn't even matter. Once she tells him-- 这根本不重要 一旦她告诉他
Aria, you were acting as his friend, okay? 艾瑞亚 你当时表现得像是他的朋友
He's not gonna be that mad. 他不会因此而生气的
Plus, it's not like you're still seeing him. 再说了 你们都分手了
All right, well, if I skip his class, 好吧 如果我翘他的课
will you cover for me? 你会帮我掩饰吗
Just in case he asks. 以防他问到
I'll try. I'll be seeing Fitz out of class, too. 我尽量 课后我也会见到费兹的
My dad drafted me to co-direct the spring play with him. 我爸爸让我和他一起指导剧本
What? Why? 什么 为什么
My dad thinks I'm a basket-case. 我爸认为我是个废物
Because you won't drive your car? 因为你不开车吗
Because I tried to stab him with scissors. 因为我试图拿剪刀捅他