Mr. Fitz? 费兹老师
Hey. Spencer, uh... 斯宾塞
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I just... 抱歉 无意打断你
No, it's okay. 没关系
I just didn't expect to see you in this setting. 没想到会在这种情况下见到你
Have you been here before? 你以前来过这吗
No. No, I never have. 没有 从未来过
That looks good. What is it? 那看起不错 是什么
Boysenberry. 杂交草莓
Or actually it might be blackberry. 也可能是黑莓
I don't know. 我也不知道
I'm going off a recommendation from the waitress. 是服务生给我推荐的
Oh, excuse me, could I actually cancel the rest of my order? 抱歉 我能取消我剩下的点单吗
I didn't realize how late it was 我不知道已经这么晚了
and I actually need to get going. 我得走了
- No problem. - Great. -没关系 -太好了
Sorry to run out on you. Are you meeting someone here? 抱歉要抛弃你一人在这 你来在这见谁吗
Yeah, I am. 是的
Great. Well, it was great running into you. 好极了 很高兴遇到你
- Try the pie. It's pretty great. - Yeah. -试试他们的派 非常好吃 -好的
Yeah, so I've heard. 好的 我也听说了