The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 50.1 in January, up from 47 in last December, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Jan 31.
采购经理指数 (Purchasing Managers’ Index,简称 PMI) 是通过对企业采购经理的调查结果统计汇总、编制而成的月度综合性指数,涵盖企业采购、生产、流通等各个环节,是国际上通行的宏观经济监测指标之一。由于采购经理调查简单易行,科学合理,目前国际上有 50 多个国家和地区编制并发布 PMI 指数。
PMI 是宏观经济变化的晴雨表,对国家经济活动的监测、预测和预警具有重要作用。PMI 指标体系包括制造业和非制造业领域,分别反映制造业和非制造业经济总体变化趋势,及企业经营活动多个侧面的运行情况。
PMI 具有先行指数的特性,可以方便、及时地显示经济变化的趋势和范围,预测经济拐点。PMI 取值范围在 0 至 100% 之间,50% 为扩张与收缩的临界点;高于 50%,表示经济活动比上月有所扩张;低于50%,表示经济活动比上月有所收缩。
制造业 PMI 是一个综合指数,由新订单、生产、从业人员、供应商配送时间、原材料库存 5 个分类指数加权计算而成。
In pursuing economic growth, we must continue to focus on the real economy. We will advance new industrialization and move faster to boost China’s strength in manufacturing, product quality, aerospace, transportation, cyberspace, and digital development. We will carry out industrial foundation reengineering projects and research projects on major technologies and equipment; support enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products; and move the manufacturing sector toward higher-end, smarter, and greener production.
—— 2022年10月16日,习近平在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告
High-quality development is the route that the Chinese economy must take during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, and high-quality development of the equipment manufacturing industry is the top priority.
manufacturing innovation center
the world's largest manufacturing country
consumer price index(CPI)
The purchasing managers' index (PMI) for China's manufacturing sector came in at 50.1 in January, up from 47 in last December, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Jan 31.
采购经理指数 (Purchasing Managers’ Index,简称 PMI) 是通过对企业采购经理的调查结果统计汇总、编制而成的月度综合性指数,涵盖企业采购、生产、流通等各个环节,是国际上通行的宏观经济监测指标之一。由于采购经理调查简单易行,科学合理,目前国际上有 50 多个国家和地区编制并发布 PMI 指数。
PMI 是宏观经济变化的晴雨表,对国家经济活动的监测、预测和预警具有重要作用。PMI 指标体系包括制造业和非制造业领域,分别反映制造业和非制造业经济总体变化趋势,及企业经营活动多个侧面的运行情况。
PMI 具有先行指数的特性,可以方便、及时地显示经济变化的趋势和范围,预测经济拐点。PMI 取值范围在 0 至 100% 之间,50% 为扩张与收缩的临界点;高于 50%,表示经济活动比上月有所扩张;低于50%,表示经济活动比上月有所收缩。
制造业 PMI 是一个综合指数,由新订单、生产、从业人员、供应商配送时间、原材料库存 5 个分类指数加权计算而成。
In pursuing economic growth, we must continue to focus on the real economy. We will advance new industrialization and move faster to boost China’s strength in manufacturing, product quality, aerospace, transportation, cyberspace, and digital development. We will carry out industrial foundation reengineering projects and research projects on major technologies and equipment; support enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products; and move the manufacturing sector toward higher-end, smarter, and greener production.
—— 2022年10月16日,习近平在中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会上的报告
High-quality development is the route that the Chinese economy must take during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, and high-quality development of the equipment manufacturing industry is the top priority.
manufacturing innovation center
the world's largest manufacturing country
consumer price index(CPI)