In electronics, chips will continue to scale down to three nanometres and maybe even one nanometre. This evolution will continue, in ways we cannot yet predict, even as Moore’s law becomes obsolete. In the past we thought graphene would be the driver of this evolution, but today we don’t know for sure if this will still be true. We will surely see significant breakthroughs in genetic technologies over the next two to three decades, which will trigger incredible progress in life sciences, biotechnology and nanomedicine. But how these breakthroughs will change the way people live and work also remains unclear. Molecular science and technology can be used to synthesise materials that never existed before. There is no way of telling what new materials and technologies will emerge. We do know that artificial intelligence (AI) will see ample application, but we cannot predict how it will drive society forward or create more wealth.
摩尔定律 Moore’s law
摩尔定律是由英特尔(Intel)创始人之一戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)提出来的。其内容为:当价格不变时,集成电路上可容纳的元器件的数目,约每隔18-24个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。换言之,每一美元所能买到的电脑性能,将每隔18-24个月翻一倍以上。这一定律揭示了信息技术进步的速度。
1. 摩尔定律
2. 安迪-比尔定律 (原话是 “Andy gives, Bill takes away.(安迪提供什么,比尔拿走什么。)” 安迪指英特尔前CEO安迪·格鲁夫,比尔指微软前任CEO比尔·盖茨,这句话指的是,硬件提高的性能,很快被软件消耗掉了。安迪-比尔定理把原本属于耐用消费品的电脑、手机等商品变成了消耗性商品,刺激着整个 IT 领域的发展)
3. 反摩尔定律 (一个IT公司如果今天和18个月前卖掉同样多的、同样的产品,它的营业额就要降一半。)
石墨烯 graphene
纳米医疗 nanomedicine
分子科技 Molecular science and technology
合成前所未有的材料 synthesise materials that never existed before
人工智能必将得到充分应用 Artificial intelligence (AI) will see ample application.
In electronics, chips will continue to scale down to three nanometres and maybe even one nanometre. This evolution will continue, in ways we cannot yet predict, even as Moore’s law becomes obsolete. In the past we thought graphene would be the driver of this evolution, but today we don’t know for sure if this will still be true. We will surely see significant breakthroughs in genetic technologies over the next two to three decades, which will trigger incredible progress in life sciences, biotechnology and nanomedicine. But how these breakthroughs will change the way people live and work also remains unclear. Molecular science and technology can be used to synthesise materials that never existed before. There is no way of telling what new materials and technologies will emerge. We do know that artificial intelligence (AI) will see ample application, but we cannot predict how it will drive society forward or create more wealth.