Climbers were pushing and shoving to take selfies. The flat part of the summit, which he estimated at about the size of two Ping-Pong tables, was packed with 15 or 20 people. To get up there, he had to wait hours in a line, chest to chest, one puffy jacket after the next, on an icy, rocky ridge with a several-thousand foot drop.
dream one’s whole life of reaching the top of Mount Everest 毕生的梦想就是登上珠穆朗玛的最高峰
the summit 峰顶
pushing and shoving to take selfies 为了自拍而互相推搡
珠穆朗玛峰最致命的登山季 the deadliest climbing seasons on Everest
雪崩、暴风雪或者狂风 avalanches, blizzards or high winds
资深登山者 Veteran climbers
对登山的收入来者不拒 hungry for every climbing dollar
寻刺激的人 thrill-seekers
无可比拟的吸引力 inimitable appeal to sb.
一两个小时的延迟都可能性命攸关 a delay ofeven an hour or two can mean life or death
压缩氧气罐 canisters of compressed oxygen
在那个高度,你没法清楚地思考 It is hard to think straight at that altitude.
补充氧气 replenish one’s oxygen supply
冰爪 a pair of crampons
可能会酿成大祸 be a recipe for disaster
参加铁人三项赛要符合条件 You have toqualify to do the Ironman.
不觉得这里面有什么不对劲吗? What’s wrong with this picture?
成堆的垃圾 heaps of trash
珠峰商业化 commercialize the mountain
顾不上起码的体面 lose one’s sense of decency
从人群中挤出一条路来 fight one’s way through the crowds
Climbers were pushing and shoving to take selfies. The flat part of the summit, which he estimated at about the size of two Ping-Pong tables, was packed with 15 or 20 people. To get up there, he had to wait hours in a line, chest to chest, one puffy jacket after the next, on an icy, rocky ridge with a several-thousand foot drop.