“GREEN BOOK”? Critics sneered when Academy Award voters named this saccharine tale of a friendship between a black pianist and his white, tough-guy chauffeur the Best Picture of 2018. Yet rather than being a rare injustice, the award reinforced a trend. The top Oscar has increasingly gone to films that are soon forgotten. A film’s quality is in the eye of the beholder. Its influence, however, can be measured more objectively. IMDb, a crowd-sourced online database, contains a list of references to every film in subsequent films and TV shows. For example, “Casablanca” has over 1,600 references, including a discussion in “When Harry Met Sally” and a poster in “True Romance”.
a white, tough-guy chauffeur 我行我素的白人司机
the Best Picture of 2018/ the top Oscar 2018年最佳影片
have increasingly gone to films that are soon forgotten 越来越多地颁给了那些很快就会被遗忘的影片
A film’s quality is in the eye of the beholder 对于一部影片的质量好坏,观众见仁见智
IMDb 网路电影资料库(Internet Movie Database)
这种数据有缺陷 the data are spotty
暑期大片 summer blockbusters
商业影片 commercial flicks
奥斯卡评委通常对这类影片不屑一顾 Oscar voters usually spurn such movies.
“GREEN BOOK”? Critics sneered when Academy Award voters named this saccharine tale of a friendship between a black pianist and his white, tough-guy chauffeur the Best Picture of 2018. Yet rather than being a rare injustice, the award reinforced a trend. The top Oscar has increasingly gone to films that are soon forgotten. A film’s quality is in the eye of the beholder. Its influence, however, can be measured more objectively. IMDb, a crowd-sourced online database, contains a list of references to every film in subsequent films and TV shows. For example, “Casablanca” has over 1,600 references, including a discussion in “When Harry Met Sally” and a poster in “True Romance”.