百无聊赖: be bored to death
百业凋敝:all business declining
百业兴旺:there is a general prosperity in all walks of life
百依百顺:be docile and obedient
百战百胜:a hundred battles, a hundred victories // be ever-victorious // be invincible // come out victorious in every battle
百折不挠:be dauntless // keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks // never yield in spite of reverses
百足之虫,死而不僵:a centipede does not topple over when dead // old institutions die hard
摆花架子:a metaphor for presenting an attractive façade but in reality lacking substance // do for show
摆架子:put on airs
摆龙门阵:chat // gossip //
摆平:sort out
摆谱:put on airs // show off // keep up appearances
摆事实,讲道理:present the facts and reason things out // set forth or state the facts and reasons
摆脱贫困:eliminate the poverty // lift oneself from poverty // shake off poverty
败坏社会风气:corrupt the social values
败军之将,不足言勇:It is useless to talk about bravery with a defeated general
拜把兄弟: sworn brothers
拜金主义:money worship
拜年:pay a New Year’s visit
班车: shuttle bus
班门弄斧:show your skill with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter // display your learning or parade one’s skill in the presence of an expert // teach fish to swim
颁奖大会:award presentation ceremony
搬迁户:relocated family / resettled household
搬弄是非: stir things up
搬起石头砸自己的脚:lift a rock only to drop it on one’s own feet / hurt oneself by one’s own doing
板上钉钉:That is final // That clinches it
版权法:copyright law
版权贸易:copyright business
版权所有:copyright reserved // copyrighted
办公自动化 :office automation
办实事:do something solid or practical or concrete // perform actual deeds
办年货:do New Year’s shopping
办事机构:working offices
半壁江山:half of the country
半边天:half the sky
半成品:semi-manufactured goods // semi-finished products
半工半读:work while studying at school / part-work and part-study
半官方贸易: semi-official trade
半拉子工程:uncompleted project
半路出家:become a monk or nun late in life // switch to a job one was not trained for
半面之交:somebody only seen or met once before
半瓶醋:half a bottle of vinegar // dabbler
半生不熟:half cooked // underdone
半死不活:half-dead // more dead than alive // dead-alive
半途而废:give up half way // leave something unfinished
半推半就:yield with a show of reluctance // yield while pretending rejection // half refusing and half resisting // give way after making a show of declining
半吞半吐:tell only half of it
半托:day care for kids
半脱产:partly released from productive labor or one’s regular work
半新不旧:no longer new // showing signs of wear
半信半疑:half-believing, half-doubting
半夜三更:at midnight
半真半假:partly true, partly false // half genuine and half forged
扮酷:play it cool
绊脚石:obstacle // stumbling block
邦交正常化:normalize diplomatic relations
帮倒忙:be more of a hindrance than a help // try to help but causing more trouble
帮困:support those in difficulty // help poor
傍大款:find a sugar daddy // be a mistress of a rich man
包办代替:take on what ought to be done by others // run things all by oneself without consulting others // keep everything in one’s own hands
包藏祸心:harbor evil intentions
包产到户:fix output quotas of each household
包车:charter a vehicle // a chartered vehicle
包打天下:undertake to conquer the world all by oneself
包二奶:take a mistress
包工包料:contract for labor and material
包购包销:exclusive right to purchase and sell
包揽一切:make an entire monopoly
包退包换:guarantee change of article or refund if unsatisfactory // refund or change for a better one // replacement of defective items guaranteed
包销:exclusive sales //sell or underwrite on an exclusive basis
包装精美:delicately packaged
包装食物:packaged food
包装业:package industry
宝刀未老:the man is old, but not his sword-he is still at the height of his power
饱汉不知饿汉饥:the well-fed don’t know how the starving suffer