The Top Oscar-Related Google Searches
This is What's Trending Today...
The 90th Academy Awards are less than one week away.
The event, also known as the Oscars, will take place March 4 in Hollywood, California. More than 30 million people are expected to watch the live television broadcast of the event.
Ahead of the ceremony, people are getting to know this year's nominated films and stars.
Although this year's event takes place in March, search interest in the Oscars usually peaks in February. The search engine Google recently created a special page that shows the most popular Oscar-related searches.
Here is a look:
Lead Actress Nominees
Of the five women nominated for the best lead actress Oscar, Margot Robbie is getting the most attention, Google says. The search engine reports the Australian actress makes up 36 percent of Google searches among the five nominees.
谷歌表示,在获得奥斯卡最佳女主角提名的5名女性中,玛格特·罗比(Margot Robbie)最受关注。据谷歌报道称,这位澳洲女演员占到了这5名女演员中36%的谷歌搜索量。
Robbie played American figure skater Tonya Harding in the film I, Tonya. Robbie also produced the film, which received three Oscar nominations.
罗比在电影《我,花样女王》中扮演了美国花样滑冰运动员托尼亚·哈丁(Tonya Harding)。罗比还参与了这部获得三项奥斯卡提名的电影的制片。
Yet many experts believe Robbie will not win. They say Frances McDormand of Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is likely to take home the Oscar. In the film, McDormand plays Mildred Hayes, a woman filled with anger over the unsolved rape and murder of her daughter.
然而很多专家认为罗比不会获奖。他们表示,电影《三块广告牌》中的弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德(Frances McDormand)可能会把这一奖项收入囊中。在这部电影中,麦克多蒙德扮演了米尔德里德·海耶斯(Mildred Hayes)这位对女儿被奸杀未破案充满愤怒的女性。
McDormand received 8 percent of Google searches.
English actress Sally Hawkins comes in with 5 percent of Google searches, the least of the five women nominated for the award. She stars in The Shape of Water, a fantasy film directed by Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. The film earned 13 Oscar nominations, the most of any film this year.
Saoirse Ronan stars in another of the year's top films, Lady Bird. It received nine Oscar nominations. Ronan received 24 percent of the Google searches, just behind Meryl Streep. Streep earned the nomination this year for her work in Steven Spielberg's political thriller The Post. Streep has already won three Oscars and has been nominated a total of 21 times.
西尔莎·罗南(Saoirse Ronan)出演了今年另一部最佳电影《伯德小姐》。该影片获得了9项奥斯卡提名。罗南获得了24%的谷歌搜索量,仅次于梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)。斯特里普今年凭借斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)执导的政治惊悚片《华盛顿邮报》获得提名,她已经3次获得奥斯卡奖,并且一共被提名了21次。
Lead Actor Nominees
Among the men nominated for Best Actor, Denzel Washington and Timothee Chalamet can each claim more than 30 percent of Google searches. Chalamet received the nomination for his leading role in the coming-of-age story Call Me By Your Name, while Washington earned it for Roman J. Israel Esq.
获得最佳男主角提名的丹泽尔·华盛顿(Denzel Washington)和提莫西·查拉梅(Timothee Chalamet)各自获得了30%以上的谷歌搜索量。查拉梅因为出演《请以你的名字呼唤我》一片的主角获得提名,而华盛顿因为出演《罗曼先生,你好》一片获得提名。
But many movie experts say Gary Oldman is the most likely winner. He has earned critical praise for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in The Darkest Hour. Oldman brought in just 11 percent of Google searches.
但是很多电影专家表示,加里·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)最有可能胜出。他凭借在《至暗时刻》中塑造的温斯顿·丘吉尔(Winston Churchill)而广受赞誉。奥德曼仅仅获得了11%的谷歌搜索量。
The other two nominees -- Daniel Day-Lewis and Daniel Kaluuya -- each come in with 13 percent of total searches. They are nominated for their work in the historical drama The Phantom Thread and the horror movie Get Out, respectively.
另外两名提名者丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯(Daniel Day-Lewis)和丹尼尔·卡卢亚(Daniel Kaluuya)在谷歌总搜索量中各自占到了13%。他们分别凭借历史片《霓裳魅影》和恐怖片《逃出绝命镇》获得提名。
Kimmel returns
Another popular person on Google is this year's host Jimmy Kimmel. He also hosted last year's event. That is when presenters Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty famously announced La La Land instead of Moonlight as the Best Picture winner. After the mistake was corrected, Kimmel told television viewers, "I promise I'll never come back" to host another Oscars.
今年谷歌上另一位热门人物是主持人吉米·金梅尔(Jimmy Kimmel)。他还主持了去年的颁奖典礼。当时颁奖嘉宾费·唐纳薇(Faye Dunaway)和沃伦·比蒂(Warren Beatty)备受关注地宣布《爱乐之城》赢得最佳影片奖,而不是《月光男孩》。在这一错误被纠正之后,金梅尔对电视观众表示,我保证再也不主持另一场奥斯卡颁奖典礼了。
But Kimmel will be back. On Google, popular Kimmel-related searches no longer mention last year's Oscar mix-up. Instead, they include questions like, "How old is Jimmy Kimmel?" and "How tall is Jimmy Kimmel?"
Best Picture Top Google Searches
While we won't know this year's Best Picture winner for a few more days, Google has published a list of the most-searched Best Picture winners of all time. The top five are:
The Godfather
Forest Gump
And that's What's Trending Today.
This is What's Trending Today...
The 90th Academy Awards are less than one week away.
The event, also known as the Oscars, will take place March 4 in Hollywood, California. More than 30 million people are expected to watch the live television broadcast of the event.
Ahead of the ceremony, people are getting to know this year's nominated films and stars.
Although this year's event takes place in March, search interest in the Oscars usually peaks in February. The search engine Google recently created a special page that shows the most popular Oscar-related searches.
Here is a look:
Lead Actress Nominees
Of the five women nominated for the best lead actress Oscar, Margot Robbie is getting the most attention, Google says. The search engine reports the Australian actress makes up 36 percent of Google searches among the five nominees.
Robbie played American figure skater Tonya Harding in the film I, Tonya. Robbie also produced the film, which received three Oscar nominations.
Yet many experts believe Robbie will not win. They say Frances McDormand of Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri is likely to take home the Oscar. In the film, McDormand plays Mildred Hayes, a woman filled with anger over the unsolved rape and murder of her daughter.
McDormand received 8 percent of Google searches.
English actress Sally Hawkins comes in with 5 percent of Google searches, the least of the five women nominated for the award. She stars in The Shape of Water, a fantasy film directed by Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. The film earned 13 Oscar nominations, the most of any film this year.
Saoirse Ronan stars in another of the year's top films, Lady Bird. It received nine Oscar nominations. Ronan received 24 percent of the Google searches, just behind Meryl Streep. Streep earned the nomination this year for her work in Steven Spielberg's political thriller The Post. Streep has already won three Oscars and has been nominated a total of 21 times.
Lead Actor Nominees
Among the men nominated for Best Actor, Denzel Washington and Timothee Chalamet can each claim more than 30 percent of Google searches. Chalamet received the nomination for his leading role in the coming-of-age story Call Me By Your Name, while Washington earned it for Roman J. Israel Esq.
But many movie experts say Gary Oldman is the most likely winner. He has earned critical praise for his portrayal of Winston Churchill in The Darkest Hour. Oldman brought in just 11 percent of Google searches.
The other two nominees -- Daniel Day-Lewis and Daniel Kaluuya -- each come in with 13 percent of total searches. They are nominated for their work in the historical drama The Phantom Thread and the horror movie Get Out, respectively.
Kimmel returns
Another popular person on Google is this year's host Jimmy Kimmel. He also hosted last year's event. That is when presenters Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty famously announced La La Land instead of Moonlight as the Best Picture winner. After the mistake was corrected, Kimmel told television viewers, "I promise I'll never come back" to host another Oscars.
But Kimmel will be back. On Google, popular Kimmel-related searches no longer mention last year's Oscar mix-up. Instead, they include questions like, "How old is Jimmy Kimmel?" and "How tall is Jimmy Kimmel?"
Best Picture Top Google Searches
While we won't know this year's Best Picture winner for a few more days, Google has published a list of the most-searched Best Picture winners of all time. The top five are:
The Godfather
Forest Gump
And that's What's Trending Today.
Ashley Thompson wrote this report for Learning English. Hai Do was the editor.
Words in This Story
peak - v. to reach the highest level
fantasy - n. something that is produced by the imagination : an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality
thriller - n. a novel, movie, etc., that is very exciting : a story full of exciting action, mystery, adventure, or suspense
coming-of-age- n. the time when a person becomes an adult
horror - adj. intended to cause feelings of fear or horror
portrayal - n. the way in which an actor plays a character