Suddenly I noticed that one of the giants was very close tome.
As his huge foot rose over my head,I screamed as loudly as Icould. He looked around on the ground,and finally sawme.He stared at me for a moment,then very carefully,hepicked me up with finger and thumb and looked at me.
I was now twenty metres up in the air,and I desperately hoped he would not decide to throw meto the ground.I did not struggle,and spoke politely to him,although I knew he did notunderstand any of my languages.He took me to the farmer,who soon realized that I was notan animal,but an intelligent being.He carefully put me in his pocket and took me home to showto his wife.
When she saw me,she screamed and jumped back in fear,perhaps thinking I was aninsect.But in a little while she became used to me,and was very kind to me.
第一章 格列佛开始第三次航海—为海盗所劫—一个心肠毒辣的荷兰人—他来到一座小岛—他被接入勒皮他。