特拉维斯·巴克(Travis Barker)斥责20岁的Echosmith 鼓手勾引13岁的女儿
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    Travis Barker slams Echosmith drummer, 20, for hitting up his 13-year-old daughter

    特拉维斯·巴克(Travis Barker)斥责20岁的Echosmith 鼓手勾引13岁的女儿

    Echosmith drummer Graham Sierota is apologizing for sending inappropriate messages to Travis Barker’s underage daughter, Alabama, claiming he didn't know her age.


    特拉维斯·巴克(Travis Barker)斥责20岁的Echosmith 鼓手勾引13岁的女儿

    Alabama took to her Instagram Story earlier this week to call out Sierota, writing on a screenshot of his alleged messages, "Hey guys! So once again I am bringing this to your attention because I’m a 13 year old girl and he is 21/20 super creepy."

    本周早些时候,阿拉巴马在她的Instagram Story上呼吁西罗塔,在他所谓的消息的屏幕截图上写道,“嘿,伙计们!所以我再一次让你们注意到这一点,因为我是一个13岁的女孩,他是21/20超级令人毛骨悚然的人。”

    The screenshot showed that Sierota, 20, allegedly contacted Alabama as early as September 2016, calling her "beautiful" when she was just 10 years old. The Echosmith drummer appeared to reach out again in July to invite her to a barbecue.


    特拉维斯·巴克(Travis Barker)斥责20岁的Echosmith 鼓手勾引13岁的女儿

    "Ur like 40," Alabama responded, adding: "U understand I’m a child?"


    He replied, "I just wanted to say i really like ur music and sorry for messaging…I’m 20."


    Barker, who had Alabama with ex-wife Shanna Moakler, slammed Sierota's messages as "predatory behavior," adding that "there is nothing cool, normal or OK about it at all."

    Barker和前妻Shanna Moakler一起生下了阿拉巴马,他抨击西罗塔的信息是“掠夺性行为”,并补充说“它没有任何酷、正常或OK的地方。”

    "When I found out a 20 year old man was trying to get in touch with my 13 year old daughter by filling her Instagram messages with party invites and compliments I was disgusted," the Blink-182 drummer said in a statement to The Blast. 

    这位 Blink-182 的鼓手在一份声明中说:“当我发现一个20岁的男子试图通过在Instagram上发派对邀请和赞美来联系我13岁的女儿时,我感到很恶心。”

    Barker and Moakler's son Landon, 15, reshared his sister's screenshots on his Instagram Story, writing, "Any one supporting this band should rethink there decisions."


    In response to the backlash, Sierota claimed that he was unaware of Alabama's age.


    "I had invited Alabama to my parents’ big family BBQ along with many other people, and it wasn’t until she responded that I realized her age at which point I apologized to her," Sierota said in a statement to People and Page Six. "I didn’t realize she was a minor and assumed she was my age."


    Sierota, who performs in Echosmith with his sister Sydney, 22, and brother Noah, 23, apologized to the the Barker family for his behavior.


    He continued: "I'm really sorry and feel very badly about this… I made a careless mistake and this is a big lesson for me. I would like to apologize again to Alabama, her dad Travis, and her family."


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