路透社由英国人保罗·朱利叶斯·路透(Paul Julius Reuter)1850年在德国亚琛创办,次年迁往英国伦敦。1865年,路透把他的私人通讯社扩展成为一家大公司。1916年被改组为路透有限公司。它素以快速的新闻报道被世界各地报刊广为采用而闻名于世。路透社名义上是私人企业主所有,实际上受政府控制,是英国的官方喉舌。
Reuters is a United Kingdom-based news agency that provides reports to news media worldwide. It was founded in 1851 by Paul Julius Reuter, who used new submarine cables under the English Channel to wire stock prices from bourses on continental Europe back to his London office and then to the London Stock Exchange. The company built a reputation for high quality financial information and for being first to report on high-profile world events. It became a public company in 1984 and in 2007, it merged with Canada’s Thomson Corp. to become Thomson Reuters. The company employs several thousand journalists around the globe and generates annual revenues in excess of $4 billion. Its website says: “Reuters is the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals.”